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Features   -   Jan 01, 2015 Gaming Trend’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Gaming Trend’s Top 10 Games of 2014

Everyone on the Gaming Trend staff has had the opportunity to make a case for our personal top ten games of the year, but we still had to come to a consensus on what the site’s top ten was going to be. Below you’ll find the result of

Editorials   -   Dec 30, 2014 Victor Grunn’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Victor Grunn’s Top 10 Games of 2014

2014 has been a hell of a year for gaming. On the console front we saw Sony and Microsoft clawing at each other in a desperate fight for the numero uno console spot, with Nintendo hoping a bevy of top-notch games would turn heads towards its so far underperforming home

Nintendo’s shortages are getting out of hand
Editorials   -   Jan 16, 2015 Nintendo’s shortages are getting out of hand

If there’s one thing I love just as much as gaming, it’s game memorabilia.  Whether I’m rocking a video game T-shirt or simply decorating my game room with statues and posters, I just love to be surrounded by items that represent my passion for video games.  It

by Matt Welsh
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Editorials   -   Jan 16, 2015 Nintendo’s shortages are getting out of hand
Nintendo’s shortages are getting out of hand

If there’s one thing I love just as much as gaming, it’s game memorabilia.  Whether I’m rocking a video game T-shirt or simply decorating my game room with statues and posters, I just love to be surrounded by items that represent my passion for video games.  It

by Matt Welsh
Features   -   Jan 01, 2015 Gaming Trend’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Gaming Trend’s Top 10 Games of 2014

Everyone on the Gaming Trend staff has had the opportunity to make a case for our personal top ten games of the year, but we still had to come to a consensus on what the site’s top ten was going to be. Below you’ll find the result of

by Kenneth Shepard
Editorials   -   Dec 30, 2014 Victor Grunn’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Victor Grunn’s Top 10 Games of 2014

2014 has been a hell of a year for gaming. On the console front we saw Sony and Microsoft clawing at each other in a desperate fight for the numero uno console spot, with Nintendo hoping a bevy of top-notch games would turn heads towards its so far underperforming home

by Victor Grunn
Features   -   Dec 29, 2014 Stefan’s Top Ten of 2014
Stefan’s Top Ten of 2014

2014 was a year of transition for the gaming industry. The new consoles all stumbled to gain their stride and there were more than a few disappointments along the way. Looking back, some of the best games I played this year were just updated versions of last year’s games.

by Stefan Alexander
Features   -   Dec 28, 2014 Matt Welsh’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Matt Welsh’s Top 10 Games of 2014

This year has been one of transition.  As is the case with most new console generations, it takes a year or so to really get going, and this is exactly what this past year has been.  While certainly not a bad year for games, there did seem to be a

by Matt Welsh
Features   -   Dec 27, 2014 Kenneth Shepard’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Kenneth Shepard’s Top 10 Games of 2014

Perhaps foolishly, I came into 2014 with a great deal of optimism. The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One were freshly out of their boxes and sitting under my TV, and I was eagerly awaiting what Sony and Microsoft would do to usher in the next generation of games. To my

by Kenneth Shepard
Features   -   Dec 27, 2014 Spencer Campbell’s Top 10 Games of 2014
Spencer Campbell’s Top 10 Games of 2014

2014 was a strange year for video games.  The first year of a new console release puts a lot of pressure on big developers, and many of them, most criminally Ubisoft, haven’t delivered. Luckily this year a lot of smaller studios and indie devs picked up the slack and

by Spencer Campbell
Features   -   Dec 26, 2014 David Roberts’ Top 10 Games of 2014
David Roberts’ Top 10 Games of 2014

2014 was… Well, it was a lot of things. It was a period of transition, both for video games as well as for my own life. I finally graduated from college. I moved to Seattle. My son was born. When I look back on this year and what has happened

by David Roberts
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