It’s not unheard of for video games to mimic board games and for board games to mimic video games. The MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) is one of the newest genres created. Since they have gained popularity, it’s not surprising that we are finding a couple of board
If you’re prepared for more My Hero Academia, get your sales pitch ready and recruit My Hero Academia: The Card Game when it gets released this November, Shinobi 7 has recently released new details for the upcoming card game, which will support 2-4 players and will feature characters from
The horror genre seems to be relegated to either Jack the Ripper, zombies, or Cthulhu when it comes to board and card games. The deck building genre has seen a lot of growth, especially when you consider many have added boards and cooperative play. Terrors of London looks to expand
The horror genre seems to be relegated to either Jack the Ripper, zombies, or Cthulhu when it comes to board and card games. The deck building genre has seen a lot of growth, especially when you consider many have added boards and cooperative play. Terrors of London looks to expand
It’s not unheard of for video games to mimic board games and for board games to mimic video games. The MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) is one of the newest genres created. Since they have gained popularity, it’s not surprising that we are finding a couple of board
If you’re prepared for more My Hero Academia, get your sales pitch ready and recruit My Hero Academia: The Card Game when it gets released this November, Shinobi 7 has recently released new details for the upcoming card game, which will support 2-4 players and will feature characters from
Justin Gary was very successful as a Magic: The Gathering player. However, he decided to take a risk and create his own deck-building game. That was Ascension: Chronicle of the Godslayer. It was so successful that it came out with several stand-alone expansions introducing new mechanics each time.
Recently Stone
It seems like there are several games with a historic Asian theme. Games like the recent Rising Sun to the old Gamemaster Series Shogun/Samurai Swords/Ikusa, samurai and ninjas seem to be bred into the boardgaming culture. At Origins I got to sit with Adrienne Ezell who designed Shogunate,
Star Realms was the first game from White Wizard Games, but it took off like gangbusters. Since then White Wizard has expanded to include Epic and Hero Realms in their catalog. Last year White Wizard went back to their roots and funded a Kickstarter for a four-player version of Star
Today, Jellybean Games announced the release of its social deduction game Hidden Panda on Kickstarter from now until July 6, with a funding goal of $5,000. The game, which is all-ages in theme and content, tasks five to eight players with either finding player pandas or getting away from
I think we’ve found a winner in the contest for best one on one/team based/cooperative cat vampire shootout games. Grimslingers doesn’t sound like it will work until you dig into it and find how well crafted every piece of this game is. The basic combat is