Today, Bandai Namco revealed a new “Extra Pack” for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. This pack contains four new characters, five new parallel quests, eight new skills, and eight new  super souls.

The four characters added to the game through this second extra pack are Goku (Ultra Instinct version), Jiren, Android 17 (Dragon Ball Super version), and the mysterious character, Fu. There will also be additional customization options for player created characters.

Both extra packs are now being sold in a bundle for $16.99. This includes the four characters released in Extra Pack 2 and the characters from the first: Dabura, Buu (Gohan absorbed), Tapion, and Android 13. This set will also include a new scenario called Infinite History featuring the character Fu, who is seemingly related to the game’s antagonists, Towa and Mira.

The Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Extra Pack 2 will be released digitally on February 28th, 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. To see our review on the Nintendo Switch version of the game, check it out here.

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