The Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion (SPECTRE) is now recruiting new members to put an end to 007 and MI6, once and for all!
Today, in a lengthy monologue that revealed their maniacal plans, Modiphius Entertainment announced that SPECTRE: The 007 Board Game is available for pre-order! Designed for 2-4 players, SPECTRE: The 007 Board Game features iconic weapons, locations, and characters from the James Bond films. Players will assemble devices, spy on their opponents, blackmail their rivals in order to build their own criminal empire, and strategically deploy their agents around the globe to infiltrate key installations. Players will need to work behind the scenes to develop their nefarious plots and become 007’s biggest threat!
You can pre-order the game by following these links:
UK Store: https://www.modiphius.net/
products/spectre-the-board- game
US Store: https://modiphius.us/products/spectre-the-board-game
Orders will ship in August, and you’ll be able to find the game at your friendly local retailers around the same time.
More info about Modiphius Entertainment can be found by following them on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the official website: https://www.modiphius.net.
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