Restoration Games recently announced that the artist for Return to Dark Tower will be Qistina Khalidah, whose style is considered a “mix of realism, surrealism, and a touch of
Art Nouveau.” Her first images for the game will be released at Gen Con 2019.
“We want Return to Dark Tower to be a unique experience from top to bottom. So we developed an original fantasy setting, free from the typical tropes of traditional fantasy. We needed an artist with a unique voice to bring that setting to life,” said Restoration Games owner, Justin D. Jacobson.
The company’s Visual Restoration Wizard, Jason Taylor, said they looked at dozens of artists before finding Khalidah through social media and her online portfolio.
“We knew immediately she was the right person for this project,” said Taylor. “Her work is striking and elegant. Her style of combining patterns and evocative poses with an almost illuminated somberness is perfect for the type of stories we want to tell with Return to Dark Tower.”
Khalidah, 25, lives in Malaysia and, while new to the world of tabletop games, has been doing freelance full-time for the past four years. She describes her style as a “mix of realism, surrealism, and a touch of Art Nouveau.” (“Artists of Color” Interview Series, https://www.art-by-mia.com/aoc/2018/10/28/artists-of-color-qistina-kalidah) Her work has previously been featured on covers for a variety of books. “It’s a big opportunity to be working side-by-side with the team as the lead artist for this project,” Khalidah said. “I look forward to designing the strange, dark world of Return to Dark Tower.”
Images done by Qistina Khalidah for Return to Dark Tower will be released at Gen Con August 1-4. For more information, visit the official website.