Big Head Games announced a collaboration with Jelle’s Marble Runs, a Youtube channel that has focused on making marble race videos since 2006. This collaboration will include Big Head Games making video games based off of all of Jelle’s different creations.

Games based on Jelle’s Marble Runs Marble League, Marble Rally, and Marbula 1 competitions will all be made, and the first to come is Marble League for PC and Mac. Marble League is set to release in October, with news on the other games coming soon.

If you have absolutely no idea what Jelle’s Marble Runs is, you are not alone. I recommend watching this clip below that explains what the channel does in a nutshell:

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Jelle’s Marble Runs gained a massive following during 2020 at the height of the pandemic, and in June 2020 the channel reached over a million subscribers. Now, aside from the games being developed by Big Head Games, the channel is also expanding to a TV show from the makers of Big Brother.

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more gaming news.

See also: Mac | PC
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