Today during the Age of Empires 25th anniversary broadcast it was announced that both Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition and Age of Empires IV are heading to the Xbox in 2023. Age of Empires II is set to release on January 31st, 2023 with Age of Empires IV releasing sometime later in the year. Both games will be available on Game Pass on day one. You can check out the announcement trailer above and read below for more details:
Today during the Age of Empires 25th Anniversary broadcast, the team celebrated 25 years of strategy, history, and, most importantly, our players. Whether you want to relive everything we shared, or see what you missed, here’s our rundown of the show:
Pull Out Your Controllers – Age of Empires is Coming to Xbox Consoles
Age of Empires is coming to Xbox consoles in 2023! Our team has been listening to you when you’ve been asking us to bring these globally beloved RTS games to Xbox and we’ll be doing that next year. After launching and evolving these games, the time is right to bring them to both existing fans and new players on Xbox. 2023 will have two console launches to look forward to: Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition arrives on Xbox on January 31, 2023, with Age of Empires IV coming to consoles later in the year.
Age of Empires IV: Anniversary Edition is Available Today
With the update comes new civilizations, challenges, achievements, features and more. Whether you’re interested in creating new strategies with the Malians and Ottomans, building your skillset with challenges, competing in 1v1 Solo Ranked or competing with friends in the all-new Team Ranked, or earning a set of Age-themed rewards, there’s something for every playstyle coming your way with the Season Three: Anniversary.
Age of Mythology Retold is Now in Production
Age of Mythology: Retold – Announce TrailerWe know that the Age of Mythology community has been hopefully waiting for a Definitive Edition, and we’ll be delivering. We’re working hard to bring you the glory of the original game with updated graphics, features and more. Stay tuned for more news.
Age of Empires is Heading to Mobile
Today the team shared a teaser trailer for a whole new way to play Age of Empires as it heads to mobile. This uniquely designed, visually stunning game will allow you to build your empire on the go. If the teaser has you excited, there’ll be more to share in the future, so stay tuned!
The full details of our anniversary celebration can be found here on Xbox Wire and on AgeofEmpires.com, including more details on how you can log into select Age of Empires games and participate in the anniversary fun with free cosmetics, crossovers and more!
For even more Age of Empires news, please visit AgeofEmpires.com and stay tuned to @AgeofEmpires on Twitter.
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