Two of the year’s most anticipated open-world games — Horizon Zero Dawn and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild —...
“What if we lost?” This is the central question of many works of science fiction, and Guerrilla Games’ upcoming open-world action game,...
Horizon Zero Dawn’s major presence at this week’s PlayStation Experience conference included a new gameplay trailer for the upcoming open world, action RPG....
The sun has risen and set on the show in Los Angeles, and while we gradually roll out our coverage and recuperate...
Guerrilla Games has confirmed that its upcoming RPG Horizon Zero Dawn won’t be making its originally projected 2016 release window. According to...
This has been quite a year already, with many stellar releases and even more on the way. It’s hard to pick even...
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has high hopes for different merchandising opportunities with Horizon Zero Dawn. Speaking to, SCEE’s licensing manager, David...
Dead Island 2’s original director Bernd Diemer has joined Guerrilla Games to work on the studio’s new open-world RPG Horizon Zero Dawn....
Guerrilla Games has confirmed that Horizon Zero Dawn won’t feature any sort of gunplay when it comes to PlayStation 4 next year....
It appears that Horizon Zero Dawn won’t have any sort of multiplayer component. Speaking to GamesRadar+, Guerrilla Games’ Jan Bart Van Beek...
Guerrilla Games has released a new video of Horizon Zero Dawn that walks fans through the game’s showing at Sony’s E3 press...
After a week of press conferences, new trailers, hands-on time, and a lot of discussion, the Gaming Trend staff has decided upon...
What I saw of Horizon Zero Dawn at E3 this year made me feel a sense of desperation that the grittiest of...
At Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, Guerrilla Games announced a new IP, Horizon Zero Dawn. Horizon Zero Dawn is an adventure game set...