Scott Griffith

Ever since humans started valuing gold, they have been looking for ways to get more of it. Of course the normal way of digging in the ground, and then the whole processes of smelting the precious metal is obviously too cumbersome. Instead, many people have spent a significant amount of
by Scott Griffith
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. This is apparently Kickstarter season. When I looked at possible games to highlight, my list was 12 games long… and those were only ones ending in the next few days. Hopefully
by Scott Griffith
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. Just when I think I have seen everything, Kickstarter projects remind me that there are some really creative people out there. This week has some very interesting and original themes and
by Scott Griffith
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. This week we see even more influence from the previously unavailable European domain. With such greats as Pegasus Spiele entering the Kickstarter arena, we are certain to see even more high
by Scott Griffith
Hello! Welcome to Friday Tabletop Kickstarter Update! For info on what is going on here, check out this introduction. Kickstarter recently opened the doors to other countries, in particular Germany, allowing for even more project creators to access the community. This means we get to see even more awesome projects
by Scott Griffith
Here is another video in our series of tabletop interviews at PAX East, where we talk with Chris Cieslik about his company Asmadi Games. First and foremost was Adorable Pandaring, a game all about having the right adorable pandas at the right time, which is up on Kickstarter now. We
by Scott Griffith
More PAX East goodness! The team behind Ninja Division and Soda Pop Miniatures are working hard to pump out high quality tabletop games from favorites Relic Nights and Super Dungeon Explore to new products like Dead Fellas and Ninja All-stars.
by Scott Griffith
When we were at PAX East we got a chance to talk with Rob Dougherty, the head of White Wizard games. Fans of their hit game, Star Realms, will be happy to know that the game is only getting started. With expansions coming in analog and digital form, there is
by Scott Griffith