Nick South

It’s been 20 years since I was first introduced to the computer game Worms. In the mid-90s, the game seemed innovative and a bit naughty. It was great fun to move these egotistical worms around blowing other worms to pieces with a deep arsenal of weaponry. I’d like
by Nick South
It’s cliché to say that making a top five list is hard because there are so many worthy titles, but when you have a gaming year as good as 2015, even picking just twenty good games, let alone five, is a difficulty. It certainly the best year for board
by Nick South
HEX CEO Cory Jones and his staff at HEX Entertainment may have put their heart and soul into the development of the Shards of Fate – Chronicles of Entrath, but no amount of passion can make up for shoddy mechanics and poor game play. It’s the attention to these details
by Nick South
Civilization building games have always held a certain fascination with gamers. The ability to play an immortal leader, bringing a fledgling empire to ultimate glory, has long been a staple of both computer and board gaming with great titles like Sid Meier’s Civilization or Through the Ages. Lautapelit’s
by Nick South
For any game to journey from a fledgling idea to a full-blown product is an arduous task at the best of times, and HEX Entertainment has certainly seen more than their fair share of difficulties since their initial Kickstarter success of Shards of Fate back in June of 2013. Legal
by Nick South
One of the great ironies of the destructiveness of war is that it often breeds technological advances. World War II saw innovations such as rockets and the atomic bomb. Go back further and many of today’s modern armaments, such as tanks and airplanes, grew in importance in World War
by Nick South
There was a time before the current boom in board gaming that being a gamer meant you liked to break out Monopoly or play a spirited game of Boggle. Gaming has evolved and some of the non-mass market board games have crossed into the mass market consciousness. Ticket to Ride,
by Nick South
Just as I was beginning to open up Iello’s Alien Wars, a trailer for the new Independence Day movie appeared on the screen. By the time I finished playing the game, I couldn’t help but note the similarities between the two. Sure, the alien invasion ships in Independence
by Nick South