Nick South

Many kids’ first experience with the wonders of the galaxy came from the inside of an inflatable dome that filled school gymnasiums. There was something magical about seeing those tiny lights projected around a sphere depicting galaxies, stars, and planets. Those special convocations were meant to fascinate young minds about
by Nick South
Battling opponents may be the focus of many deck-building card games, yet rarely do those games involve actual battles. SunTzuGames’ upcoming kickstarter, Burning Rome, puts the focus on the battlefield as you build decks using the ancient armies from the factions of Rome, Carthage, Celtiberia, or Gaetuli in quick skirmishes.
by Nick South
It’s been a couple of millennia since people packed Roman coliseums to witness the spectacle of racing. The appeal of the sport hasn’t dwindled since that time, though it is far less barbaric than those ancient competitions. Chariot racers of the Roman age would scoff at the comparatively
by Nick South
It’s seems absurd to consider any war with a bit of romanticism, but there is a certain passion derived from the War of the Roses, the struggle for the English throne between the white rose clad Yorks and the red rose wearing Lancasters. It was Shakespeare who launched the
by Nick South
The opening paragraph of Behind the Throne’s rulebook talks of secret organizations conspiring to manipulate courtiers as they strive to gather enough power to control the throne from the shadows. You wouldn’t be to blamed to think this Ares’ title is another sweeping epic in the likes of
by Nick South
You may recognize the American Revolution as the war that created the United States, but the groundwork for that rebel uprising started a couple decades earlier with the French & Indian War. The war between France and Britain solidified Britain’s North American dominance while subsequent political actions caused a
by Nick South
I have played numerous civilization games, and many of them are quite good. Nations, Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age, and Clash of Cultures are just a handful of excellent civilization games, each with their own unique merits. Yet, when it comes to feeling like you’ve battled through
by Nick South
After gaming for awhile, I’ve discovered there are some unique personalities that come to the table. You’ve got people that rage quit, people that take a month to take an action, people that get distracted on their phone, and people who advise everyone else on what move should
by Nick South