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Lex Tyler

Number of Articles 4
Lex Tyler's Work 4 Articles
Reviews   -   May 22, 2014 Paradise by the rum distillery light – Tropico 5 review
Paradise by the rum distillery light – Tropico 5 review

There must come a time in the life of every dictator where they’ve just had enough. If the Communist Party leader asks for more free clinics again, or the Tropican people try to oust me in elections for the umpteenth time in a row because they’re tired of

by Lex Tyler
Reviews   -   May 19, 2014 The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review
The clone is a lie – Project Temporality review

The indie gaming landscape has been absolutely sick with Portal-alikes as of late, each hoping their central navigation gimmick and idiosyncratic take on puzzle narrative can unseat the reigning champions. For some, perhaps their ambitions are not so grand, and they merely want to take advantage of the gaming public’

by Lex Tyler
Features   -   May 17, 2014 Looking back – The ten best games of last gen
Looking back – The ten best games of last gen

It’s been six months since the PS4 and Xbox One began their bid for living room dominance here in the West, and while many of the hot releases for each platform have arrived with counterparts built for the inferior “last-gen” consoles in tow, it seems pretty clear that the

by Lex Tyler
Reviews   -   May 16, 2014 First DLC to fall – Titanfall: Expedition review
First DLC to fall – Titanfall: Expedition review

The inevitable onslaught of Titanfall DLC has begun. Expedition, the first of three planned map packs, is now available as either a standalone package or as part of the Titanfall Season Pass. Respawn Entertainment has stated that these packages will be strictly maps-only affairs and that if other additions were

by Lex Tyler
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