Keith Schleicher

Gary Gygax is revered among gamers, whether their preference goes towards board or video games. As the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, he created a genre that has a lasting cultural impact. However, he has works that have remained unpublished. That’s why the Gygax Trust has announced it is
by Keith Schleicher
When Kickstarter became available for funding, board game designers flocked to it. While several board games were successful there, Zombicide became a huge hit on the site and raised over three-quarter of a million dollars, one of the largest amounts to date. Every Zombicide game since has raised a huge
by Keith Schleicher
Dungeon crawlers have seen a resurgence in the past several years. With Descent Second Edition and the D&D Adventure Games, it seemed like new adventures were coming at a staggering rate. Games like Level 7 Omega Protocol, Dungeon Saga, Imperial Assault, and the wildly successful Gloomhaven have given
by Keith Schleicher
Many games play off of monsters chasing after the protagonists. Running away from the menace or shooting your way through them are some of the ways to deal with them. World’s End has everyone trying to escape an apocalyptic invasion, but there are times when you want to look
by Keith Schleicher
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have gone through several iterations over the past couple of decades. From the television and movie screen, they’ve rarely been out of the public consciousness. With that several games have come out featuring Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, and Leonardo, including the recent Shadows of the
by Keith Schleicher
While Privateer Press is known mostly for their Warmachine and Hordes figures now, a while ago they also had the Monsterpocalypse line. It fell dormant several years ago, but Privateer Press has announced they are bringing it back in a big way later this year. Privateer Press has announced that
by Keith Schleicher
With GAMA going on this week in Las Vegas, game stores are getting their first look at the upcoming games from publishers for the next year. WizKids has come out of the gate swinging with a game based on a very popular IP as well as token miniatures for that
by Keith Schleicher
Kickstarter is a great way for new designers to get their board games funded. However, often those games are sequels or don’t do much to stand apart from other games thematically or mechanically. When I saw Swordcrafters, I wanted to get a closer look at it because of the
by Keith Schleicher