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Hunter Wolfe

Number of Articles 37
Hunter Wolfe's Work 37 Articles
Previews   -   Nov 09, 2016 Steep Preview: Sky’s the limit
Steep Preview: Sky’s the limit

When Steep was announced at Ubisoft’s E3 conference this year, it was a blade of grass in a field already dominated by AAA titles such as Ghost Recon: Wildlands, South Park: The Fractured But Whole and Watch Dogs 2. But last week, we got to play Steep at a

by Hunter Wolfe
Reviews   -   Nov 08, 2016 Gas Guzzlers Extreme Review: Hell on wheels
Gas Guzzlers Extreme Review: Hell on wheels

Gas Guzzlers Extreme is an uninvited guest at the party of excellent current-gen racing games. Is it playable? Sure. But it shouldn’t warrant your attention when just about any other game in the racing genre has more polish, depth and heart under their hoods. Still there? Okay then. Gas

by Hunter Wolfe
Features   -   Oct 17, 2016 Dishonored 2 Preview: Inside the devious Clockwork Mansion
Dishonored 2 Preview: Inside the devious Clockwork Mansion

A steel carriage powers up the tree-studded slope of a Mediterranean cliffside, and miles below, a coastal city naps in the warm light of a waning sun. I’m not here for sightseeing though; nothing so innocent as that. Dishonored 2 takes place 15 years after the events of its

by Hunter Wolfe
Reviews   -   Sep 16, 2016 It’s not the end of the world — Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Review
It’s not the end of the world — Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse Review

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is a strong follow-up to its 2013 predecessor, but it still suffers from the same problems. Apocalypse may boast solid combat and progression systems, but a lot of complaints from the former game are still valid in this entry, such as dull characters and choices

by Hunter Wolfe
Reviews   -   Sep 08, 2016 Jotun: Valhalla Edition Review
Jotun: Valhalla Edition Review

Jotun arouses the same sensation of reading a storybook before bedtime — it’s a passive experience that strings you along from cover to cover thanks to its beautiful presentation… save for each of the game’s giant-slaying set pieces. And while getting to each of these boss fights turns into

by Hunter Wolfe
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