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Dan Hinkin

An educator and tabletop game lover.

Number of Articles 137
Dan Hinkin's Work 137 Articles
Reviews   -   Jun 06, 2022 Carpe Diem review – Seize the day and get this on your table.
Carpe Diem review – Seize the day and get this on your table.

When setting out to play Carpe Diem for the first time, I was prepared for a pleasant experience of tile placement with friends and introducing a Stefan Feld game to some newcomers. What I was not expecting was a rage induced tirade of epic proportions that included many expletives, “are

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   May 18, 2022 Harry Potter: House Cup Competition review⏤Ten points to theme and mechanics!
Harry Potter: House Cup Competition review⏤Ten points to theme and mechanics!

When I was a kid, I blew through the first three Harry Potter books in a week. Then I had to wait for the other books to be written and I was one of those crazy people who got it the day it was out and fell asleep reading. The

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   May 12, 2022 Kardashev Scale review- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Galactic Civilization Building?
Kardashev Scale review- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Galactic Civilization Building?

Back in the 1960s, a Russian astronomer, named Nikolai Kardashev, came up with a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement based on the energy that civilization consumes. Ranking these civilizations into three different types, many different astronomers and astrophysicists have amended and advanced the theory over

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   May 12, 2022 Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest review – Get “hooked” on a reimagined sky pirate adventure.
Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest review – Get “hooked” on a reimagined sky pirate adventure.

Take to the seas…I mean skies, with Libertalia: Winds of Gailcrest. You are the pirate captain of a skyship setting out on three different voyages trying to score the most loot. You must use your crew to outsmart the other pirate ships who are vying for the same treasure.

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   Apr 16, 2022 One Small Step review – We choose to go to the cardboard moon!
One Small Step review – We choose to go to the cardboard moon!

One Small Step for man, one giant leap for mankind. In the 1950’s and 60’s, the two great superpowers of the United States of America (USA) and the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) were embattled in a Cold War that affected the whole world and beyond. One Small

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   Apr 16, 2022 Maglev Metro review – Just when you thought subway travel couldn’t get any better!
Maglev Metro review – Just when you thought subway travel couldn’t get any better!

The subway systems of New York and Berlin are in need of replacement and magnetic levitation train technology is the answer. In Maglev Metro, you control one of four different companies building a new rail network to service the patrons of the city. Which company will build the most efficient

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   Feb 02, 2022 Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders review ⏤ The raiders of the doom temple crystal crusade get an upgrade!
Lost Ruins of Arnak: Expedition Leaders review ⏤ The raiders of the doom temple crystal crusade get an upgrade!

The Expedition Leaders expansion for Lost Ruins of Arnak is everything an expansion should be. For a lot of games, an expansion just adds and extra module, some rule changes, extra content, or a new storyline. With Expedition Leaders, the expansion adds so much that you can’t imagine playing

by Dan Hinkin
Reviews   -   Feb 02, 2022 Lost Ruins of Arnak review ⏤ Raiders of the doom temple crystal crusade!
Lost Ruins of Arnak review ⏤ Raiders of the doom temple crystal crusade!

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve wanted to strap a whip to my hip, don a khaki shirt, put on a fedora, and traipse through the jungle in search of lost treasure! In Lost Ruins of Arnak, I got to live out my dream at the dinner table!

by Dan Hinkin
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