Bryan Ertmer

The Sims 4 had a less-than-stellar launch, and was missing many gameplay features Sim-heads were looking for. Through patches and updates, many missing things have been added to the base game, and The Sims 4 is now on its way to becoming a staple of the Sims franchise. Adding new
by Bryan Ertmer
EA and Ghost Games are bringing Need for Speed back, boasting it as the definitive arcade racing experience, and in many ways they have succeeded. The newest installment is a spiritual successor to the Underground series, which many fans have been begging for. Expect illegal night racing, modified cars, and
by Bryan Ertmer
This past week I was invited to go and play FreeStyle Games’ new installment of the Guitar Hero franchise. The studio behind the DJ Hero series is bringing back Guitar Hero in very new and exciting ways. Guitar Hero Live features new modes, ways to play, and a beautifully redesigned
by Bryan Ertmer
Many await this holiday season for the same reason as the past few years: a new Call of Duty. This time the crew behind the wildly successful Black Ops series is back with Call of Duty: Black Ops III. I had time to sit and play the multiplayer beta, and
by Bryan Ertmer
Soup is good, and I enjoy it every now and then myself. That being said, I have never thought I needed a video game based on a galactic soup takeover. Nom Nom Galaxy is a strategy game based around soup, and becoming the biggest soup maker in the universe. Combining
by Bryan Ertmer
Action RPG’s are getting big again with the likes of Diablo 3, Grim Dawn, Path of Exile, and more. Victor Vran looks to cash in on this, while doing some unique things that make it stand on its own. Its core gameplay is solid and it has a ton
by Bryan Ertmer
Lego Jurassic World is a love letter to fans of the iconic film franchise. The moment Jurassic Park’s theme song started I was instantly back in 1993 and nostalgia wrapped around me like a warm fuzzy blanket. This game was more than a take on a franchise, but rather
by Bryan Ertmer
Grand Theft Auto V is to be quite frank, a port done right. It takes what is already an amazing game and improves to not only look and control better, but it also makes it feel like it was made for the PC. From the amazing draw distance, to having
by Bryan Ertmer