Bryan Ertmer

I spent a lot of time playing World of Warcraft when it released, too many hours to even be healthy. I played every single day and logged hundreds of hours within a few months. I loved every second, from raiding to looking things up on thottbot during school hours. It
by Bryan Ertmer
The Sims 4 is notorious for zany, outlandish, and wild gameplay and the newest game pack, Vampires, intelligently adds to it. It also introduces new ideas, gameplay elements and great new interaction options. All in all, it’s a unique little game pack, though it left me wanting more. As
by Bryan Ertmer
The Sims 4 City Living is one of the best expansion packs in the entire series. It changes the way you can play in new and meaningful ways, and is full of fresh experiences and stories to tell. I had a blast playing in the city of San Myshuno, exploring
by Bryan Ertmer
The Sims 4 grows and expands with each new expansion, game pack, and stuff pack. I have been reviewing all the Sims 4 content as I can keep up with over the last few months, but with Spa Day I feel I have finally found what a game pack should
by Bryan Ertmer
With the career and work centereed expansions, it is time for the Sims to take a vacation, and luckily Outdoor Retreat offers just that. With a focus around camping, fishing, and collecting there is a lot of content in this game pack, although it may be the weakest game pack
by Bryan Ertmer
The original Sims 4 had a lukewarm reception. It was missing features and elements that Sim fans expected to be in a Sims game. Through patching and content packs released over the past few years, the game has turned around and become closer to what fans wanted, and with Dine
by Bryan Ertmer
Growing up in a rural part of Colorado, I was always around oil fields and the oil industry. I used to gawk at the giant pumps, and wonder what it took to put up these behemoths. Oil Enterprise, Crafty Studios newest game, let me see what the oil world had
by Bryan Ertmer
As a tie-in game to an already cancelled TV series, I was worried about the game from the first time I heard about it. Rarely do games based on TV or movies do well, and being the product of a cancelled TV show killed any hopes of the game being
by Bryan Ertmer