During my time at the PlayStation Experience earlier this month. I got to play plenty of fun and interesting games, but Yonder:...
Hand of Fate 2 is a direct sequel to Defiant Development’s 2015 roguelike and we got our *ehem* hands on the follow-up...
The Flame in the Flood is a procedurally generated survival game by Molasses Flood. During my time at the PlayStation Experience last...
Developer Joycity is no stranger to freestyle basketball games on the PC, but for the first time, the developer is making the...
It’s been awhile since Orcs Must Die! Unchained went into Open Beta on PC, but last week at PlayStation Experience, we finally...
Just as playing Assassin’s Creed makes me want to go climb buildings, Absolver makes me want to sign up for martial arts...
Super Mega Baseball was a home run for indie developer Metalhead Software when it launched back in 2014, and now the series...
In Norse mythology, the word “eitr” refers to a substance that is the source of all living things, yet is also corrupting...
Throughout the Playstation Experience, there was always one booth pumping music, with a single TV that was always occupied. After listening to...
There’s something incredibly addicting about roguelikes. Whether it’s the overwhelming odds or the encouragement that comes from climbing up the learning curve,...
Metroidvania is a term that gets a little over-used. It isn’t very descriptive and demands knowledge of two games and their inner...
Narrative-based episodic adventure games are more common than ever these days. Whether it’s a licensed game such as The Walking Dead and...
One of my favorite parts of a new role-playing game is getting absolutely lost in the universe. The best RPGs, in my...
Since it was properly unveiled back at E3, I don’t think I’ve heard one of my colleagues talk about Media Molecule’s Dreams...
As a fan of PlayStation, one of my favorite things to do when I’ve attended PlayStation Experience, as well as even events...
Before getting hands-on time with Severed at PlayStation Experience, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. As a huge fan of Guacamelee,...
Every story has a branch, a “what-if” moment where the protagonist wonders if they might have been able to do something differently....
At PlayStation Experience this year, I had my first hands-on demo with virtual reality. After months of hearing positive reactions about how...
You wake up in an empty basement all alone. You have no memory of who you or how you got there. The...
In SmuggleCraft, every race is slightly different. The steering, controls, and core mechanics all remain the same between sessions, but this hovercraft...
PlayStation Experience has finally wrapped up, and our crew that was at the show is now here to talk about the dialogue...
When Gravity Rush came to the Vita, it was a flawed but promising action game with an endearing and likable protagonist at...
This week we’ve got Gaming Trend’s PlayStation Experience crew together to go around the table and make some bold (and not so...
Our boys, Eric Van Allen and Kenneth Shepard, returned from the PlayStation Experience with lots to talk about. It looks like Sony...
Electronic Arts debuted its new game mode Hotwire for the upcoming Battlefield Hardline, in demo form, at last weekend’s Playstation Experience. A...
At last weekend’s Playstation Experience, I got the chance to play a few matches of a new installment in a classic franchise,...
Looking back at Sony during 2012 and looking at it now in 2014, it’s impossible to deny how holistically it has turned...