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Features   -   Jul 26, 2017 Don’t look back: Sessions: The Legion Mixed Reality Experience at SDCC
Don’t look back: Sessions: The Legion Mixed Reality Experience at SDCC

I’ve been a fan of the comic book character David Haller, codenamed Legion, since I was first introduced to him one Saturday morning on X-Men The Animated Series. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by his volatile combination of outrageous psychic powers and unstable mental condition. Last year, Wednesdays

Previews   -   Jul 26, 2017 Humiliation is forever: PWND at San Diego Comic-Con
Humiliation is forever: PWND at San Diego Comic-Con

The market for shooter games seem to have been taking on a softer face recently. Gigantic recently burst on the scene with bright, cartoony graphics, Splatoon 2 has put a colorful coat of paint over the competitive scene, and Overwatch all but celebrates a loss, awarding experience points and softening

Life is Strange: Before the Storm hands-on at SDCC
Previews   -   Aug 03, 2017 Life is Strange: Before the Storm hands-on at SDCC

In a quiet conference room, adjacent to the main hall of San Diego Comic Con, I settled in to play one of the very first hands-on demos of Life is Strange: Before the Storm. This was the same demo I saw at E3, but this time the controller was in

by A Kay Purcell
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Previews   -   Aug 03, 2017 Life is Strange: Before the Storm hands-on at SDCC
Life is Strange: Before the Storm hands-on at SDCC

In a quiet conference room, adjacent to the main hall of San Diego Comic Con, I settled in to play one of the very first hands-on demos of Life is Strange: Before the Storm. This was the same demo I saw at E3, but this time the controller was in

by A Kay Purcell
Features   -   Jul 26, 2017 Don’t look back: Sessions: The Legion Mixed Reality Experience at SDCC
Don’t look back: Sessions: The Legion Mixed Reality Experience at SDCC

I’ve been a fan of the comic book character David Haller, codenamed Legion, since I was first introduced to him one Saturday morning on X-Men The Animated Series. Since then, I’ve been fascinated by his volatile combination of outrageous psychic powers and unstable mental condition. Last year, Wednesdays

by A Kay Purcell
Previews   -   Jul 26, 2017 Humiliation is forever: PWND at San Diego Comic-Con
Humiliation is forever: PWND at San Diego Comic-Con

The market for shooter games seem to have been taking on a softer face recently. Gigantic recently burst on the scene with bright, cartoony graphics, Splatoon 2 has put a colorful coat of paint over the competitive scene, and Overwatch all but celebrates a loss, awarding experience points and softening

by A Kay Purcell
Features   -   Jul 25, 2017 All hands on deck: The Star Trek: Discovery panel at San Diego Comic-Con
All hands on deck: The Star Trek: Discovery panel at San Diego Comic-Con

San Diego Comic-Con offered a small group of press a first look at the upcoming Star Trek: Discovery on Saturday afternoon. Cast and crew assembled in The Hilton’s Sapphire ball room to chat about the upcoming CBS series, with guests including Sonequa Martin-Green, who plays First Officer Michael Burnham,

by A Kay Purcell
Features   -   Jul 24, 2017 Blizzard’s Behind the Scenes of Overwatch’s New Hero panel at San Diego Comic-Con
Blizzard’s Behind the Scenes of Overwatch’s New Hero panel at San Diego Comic-Con

Fists were flying Friday Night at Blizzard’s Behind the Scenes of Overwatch’s Newest Hero at San Diego Comic-Con. Every single person who attended the panel received a foam Doomfist, and took every available opportunity during the panel to cheer and raise their oversized appendages into the air, as

by A Kay Purcell
Previews   -   Jul 20, 2017 The Tick SDCC Takeover Event
The Tick SDCC Takeover Event

Amazon’s installation for their upcoming original series, a live action remake of The Tick, seemed average enough at first. We entered into a shaded pavilion full of fans blowing blessedly cool air to charge our phones, answer trivia questions, and watch the pilot episode of The Tick. Answering trivia,

by A Kay Purcell
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