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Previews   -   Dec 10, 2016 Absolver is the martial arts game you’ve always wanted
Absolver is the martial arts game you’ve always wanted

Just as playing Assassin’s Creed makes me want to go climb buildings, Absolver makes me want to sign up for martial arts classes. I spent some time with developer Sloclap’s online melee brawler at PlayStation Experience last week, and what I found was a PvP/PvE game with

Previews   -   Dec 09, 2016 Super Mega Baseball 2 adding online competitive mode
Super Mega Baseball 2 adding online competitive mode

Super Mega Baseball was a home run for indie developer Metalhead Software when it launched back in 2014, and now the series is back for a second inning in Super Mega Baseball 2 (SMB2). We got our hands on the follow-up at PSX last week, and we left the demo

Orcs Must Die Unchained feels great on PS4
Previews   -   Dec 12, 2016 Orcs Must Die Unchained feels great on PS4

It’s been awhile since Orcs Must Die! Unchained went into Open Beta on PC, but last week at PlayStation Experience, we finally got to see how the game is shaping up on PS4. For the uninitiated, Orcs Must Die! Unchained (OMDU) is an action/tower defense hybrid that tasks

by Hunter Wolfe
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Previews   -   Dec 12, 2016 Orcs Must Die Unchained feels great on PS4
Orcs Must Die Unchained feels great on PS4

It’s been awhile since Orcs Must Die! Unchained went into Open Beta on PC, but last week at PlayStation Experience, we finally got to see how the game is shaping up on PS4. For the uninitiated, Orcs Must Die! Unchained (OMDU) is an action/tower defense hybrid that tasks

by Hunter Wolfe
Previews   -   Dec 10, 2016 Absolver is the martial arts game you’ve always wanted
Absolver is the martial arts game you’ve always wanted

Just as playing Assassin’s Creed makes me want to go climb buildings, Absolver makes me want to sign up for martial arts classes. I spent some time with developer Sloclap’s online melee brawler at PlayStation Experience last week, and what I found was a PvP/PvE game with

by Hunter Wolfe
Previews   -   Dec 09, 2016 Super Mega Baseball 2 adding online competitive mode
Super Mega Baseball 2 adding online competitive mode

Super Mega Baseball was a home run for indie developer Metalhead Software when it launched back in 2014, and now the series is back for a second inning in Super Mega Baseball 2 (SMB2). We got our hands on the follow-up at PSX last week, and we left the demo

by Hunter Wolfe
Previews   -   Dec 15, 2015 Exploring a corrupted world with isometric Souls-inspired Eitr
Exploring a corrupted world with isometric Souls-inspired Eitr

In Norse mythology, the word “eitr” refers to a substance that is the source of all living things, yet is also corrupting and poisonous to all that touch it. This was part of the inspiration for Eitr, an isometric action game from Eneme Entertainment, that would fall under the common

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 15, 2015 Geometric rhythm meets multiplayer mayhem in Just Shapes & Beats
Geometric rhythm meets multiplayer mayhem in Just Shapes & Beats

Throughout the Playstation Experience, there was always one booth pumping music, with a single TV that was always occupied. After listening to it for the better part of a day, our curiosity finally gave in and our team wandered over to play. It was the first of many sessions that

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 12, 2015 Guns galore with Enter the Gungeon
Guns galore with Enter the Gungeon

There’s something incredibly addicting about roguelikes. Whether it’s the overwhelming odds or the encouragement that comes from climbing up the learning curve, there’s a satisfying quality that stems from the idea that the next attempt is likely to go slightly better. Enter the Gungeon has that quality

by Matt Welsh
Previews   -   Dec 11, 2015 Peering into the abyss with retro action platformer Chasm
Peering into the abyss with retro action platformer Chasm

Metroidvania is a term that gets a little over-used. It isn’t very descriptive and demands knowledge of two games and their inner machinations to understand. However, it does aptly describe the relationship between this last year’s Axiom Verge and the upcoming Chasm. “If Axiom Verge is more Metroid,

by Eric Van Allen
Previews   -   Dec 10, 2015 Sleuthing around with Jenny LeClue: Detectivú
Sleuthing around with Jenny LeClue: Detectivú

Narrative-based episodic adventure games are more common than ever these days. Whether it’s a licensed game such as The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us from Telltale, or an original storyline from a larger developer, like Square Enix’s Life is Strange, it’s hard not to take

by Matt Welsh
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