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PlayStation Vita

PlayStation Vita

Liveblog   -   Jun 09, 2014 Sony’s E3 2014 Media Briefing
Sony’s E3 2014 Media Briefing

Sony wraps up the day’s events with their press brief at 6 PM PDT. We’ve got you covered with the livestream and once again some rifftrax-style commentary from the editorial staff!

Liveblog   -   Jun 09, 2014 Ubisoft’s E3 2014 Media Briefing
Ubisoft’s E3 2014 Media Briefing

Join us at 3:00 PM PDT for Ubisoft’s E3 2014 livestream, with added flavor by the Gaming Trend editorial staff via liveblog.

Hands-On impressions of Road Not Taken
Previews   -   Jun 11, 2014 Hands-On impressions of Road Not Taken

Road Not Taken is an adventure based around the famous Robert Frost poem of the same name. From the outsider’s perspective, it seems like a simple puzzle game with relationship building elements, but at its core Road Not Taken is an emotional adventure that hopes to break your heart

by Jay Malone
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Previews   -   Jun 11, 2014 Hands-On impressions of Road Not Taken
Hands-On impressions of Road Not Taken

Road Not Taken is an adventure based around the famous Robert Frost poem of the same name. From the outsider’s perspective, it seems like a simple puzzle game with relationship building elements, but at its core Road Not Taken is an emotional adventure that hopes to break your heart

by Jay Malone
Liveblog   -   Jun 09, 2014 Sony’s E3 2014 Media Briefing
Sony’s E3 2014 Media Briefing

Sony wraps up the day’s events with their press brief at 6 PM PDT. We’ve got you covered with the livestream and once again some rifftrax-style commentary from the editorial staff!

by Mike Dunn
Liveblog   -   Jun 09, 2014 Ubisoft’s E3 2014 Media Briefing
Ubisoft’s E3 2014 Media Briefing

Join us at 3:00 PM PDT for Ubisoft’s E3 2014 livestream, with added flavor by the Gaming Trend editorial staff via liveblog.

by Mike Dunn
Liveblog   -   Jun 09, 2014 EA’s E3 2014 Media Briefing
EA’s E3 2014 Media Briefing

Join us at 12:00 PM PDT for EA’s E3 2014 media brief. In addition to the following livestream, our editorial staff will be liveblogging direct from the event.

by Mike Dunn
Reviews   -   May 27, 2014 Pop Star Manager: The Game — Hyperdimension Neptunia PP Review
Pop Star Manager: The Game — Hyperdimension Neptunia PP Review

Occasionally you hear of a concept so crazy that you think that there’s no way that it can work. When Final Fantasy X-2 was released with the concept of a pop band switching the characters’ wardrobe to change their class and abilities while fighting enemies and leveling up, it

by Keith Schleicher
Reviews   -   May 27, 2014 Stealing your heart – Sly Cooper Collection review (Vita)
Stealing your heart – Sly Cooper Collection review (Vita)

Sony hasn’t exactly had the best run of luck in porting its classic games to its versatile handheld. The Vita is capable of pulling off some fantastic visuals (one look at Killzone Mercenary will blow away even the most hardened skeptic) but for some reason, ten-year-old PS2 games have

by David Roberts
Reviews   -   May 21, 2014 Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review
Remake? Sequel? Both? – Soul Sacrifice Delta review

Have you ever heard that old saying that an artist never really finishes his work, he merely abandons it? Well, it would seem that the developers at Marvelous Entertainment and SCE Japan studios weren’t quite ready to abandon this one yet. Soul Sacrifice Delta is the semi-update, quasi-sequel to

by Stefan Alexander
Reviews   -   May 18, 2014 Borderlands 2 Vita Review
Borderlands 2 Vita Review

As a major fan of shooting things and low-brow humor, Borderlands 2 instantly became one of my favorite games when it launched in 2012. I spent so much time on the couch playing Borderlands 2 that I could barely contain myself when I learned that Gearbox had plans to allow

by Travis Northup
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