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Wii U

Wii U

Reviews   -   Nov 21, 2014 Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is even better than you expected
Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is even better than you expected

It’s been exactly two years since Nintendo released the Wii U, a console that gamers have had a difficult time embracing. In the time since it’s release the device has struggled both conceptually and financially, with detractors citing a lack of compelling games and Nintendo’s odd decision

Editorials   -   Oct 25, 2014 Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me
Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me

Internet, I have a confession to make: My name is not actually Kenneth Shepard. It was a nickname that caught on nearly five years ago when I started jokingly going by it my Junior year of High School when Mass Effect 2 came out. However, what started out as an

Toad-ally awesome — Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker review
Reviews   -   Dec 01, 2014 Toad-ally awesome — Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker review

Throughout Mario’s many adventures, he has encountered many allies and enemies, but if there’s one character who usually stands out as being one of the most unfortunate, it’s Toad.  Small, scared, and helpless, Toad usually serves as nothing more than fodder for the Koopalings.  Sure, Toad has

by Matt Welsh
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Reviews   -   Dec 01, 2014 Toad-ally awesome — Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker review
Toad-ally awesome — Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker review

Throughout Mario’s many adventures, he has encountered many allies and enemies, but if there’s one character who usually stands out as being one of the most unfortunate, it’s Toad.  Small, scared, and helpless, Toad usually serves as nothing more than fodder for the Koopalings.  Sure, Toad has

by Matt Welsh
Reviews   -   Nov 21, 2014 Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is even better than you expected
Super Smash Bros. for the Wii U is even better than you expected

It’s been exactly two years since Nintendo released the Wii U, a console that gamers have had a difficult time embracing. In the time since it’s release the device has struggled both conceptually and financially, with detractors citing a lack of compelling games and Nintendo’s odd decision

by Griffin Dunn
Editorials   -   Oct 25, 2014 Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me
Mass Effect: How Shaping Shepard Shaped Me

Internet, I have a confession to make: My name is not actually Kenneth Shepard. It was a nickname that caught on nearly five years ago when I started jokingly going by it my Junior year of High School when Mass Effect 2 came out. However, what started out as an

by Kenneth Shepard
Features   -   Oct 17, 2014 8 Characters we still want to see in Super Smash Bros.
8 Characters we still want to see in Super Smash Bros.

Smash Mania has arrived! Gamers all over the world are once again choosing their favorite Nintendo characters and using everything from baseball bats to banana peels to just about anything else you can think of, to knock other beloved Nintendo characters off stage and claim victory. A new Smash Bros.

by Paul Cesar
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2014 Angels and demons — Bayonetta 2 review
Angels and demons — Bayonetta 2 review

You know what’s weird? We live in a world where Nintendo has not only published a Legend of Zelda/Dynasty Warriors hybrid, but has also resurrected Bayonetta, one of the niche-iest action games ever to come out of Japan. Luckily, it was worth it—Bayonetta 2 is one of

by David Roberts
Editorials   -   Oct 05, 2014 Nintendo: Being Different Shouldn’t Come at the Expense of Quality
Nintendo: Being Different Shouldn't Come at the Expense of Quality

I have a theory: None of the higher-ups at Nintendo own or have played a Sony or Microsoft console. I laugh at my joke, but it’s not like I say this without reason; the reason being that I find it hard to believe a company with such cumbersome and

by Kenneth Shepard
Reviews   -   Sep 17, 2014 The Triforce of Silliness — Hyrule Warriors review
The Triforce of Silliness — Hyrule Warriors review

Hyrule Warriors is really, truly, fantastically stupid. And it’s some of the most ridiculous fun I’ve had with the Legend of Zelda series in years. Let me back up for a minute here, because I’m sure your eyeballs are spinning around in their sockets after reading that.

by David Roberts
Previews   -   Sep 15, 2014 Skylanders Trap Team preview – I believe in magic
Skylanders Trap Team preview – I believe in magic

I wasn’t sold at first. Skylanders Trap Team looked like a gimmick—a neat looking game with a dumb reason to buy a whole bunch of extra figurines. I’d only ever seen it in videos or at loud press events, and it’s really hard to see what

by David Roberts
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