Final Fantasy XIV is a big game with multiple stories going on at the same time, both player and developer driven. Putting aside players’ narratives though, there’s still quite a bit going on, with certain characters or moments being expanded into short stories posted on the Lodestone. While they
Another expansion, another art book! If you’ve read my previous FFXIV art book reviews, then you know exactly what’s in store for this one. Square has settled on a template for these, and while I don’t entirely agree with all of their choices it’s hard to
We may have taken a much needed break last patch, but we’re back now just in time to continue the search for Vrtra’s sister. Last time, we entered the Void, the 13th reflection of the Source, and met Zero. Just before we journey back, however, Vrtra senses Azdaja’
We may have taken a much needed break last patch, but we’re back now just in time to continue the search for Vrtra’s sister. Last time, we entered the Void, the 13th reflection of the Source, and met Zero. Just before we journey back, however, Vrtra senses Azdaja’
Final Fantasy XIV is a big game with multiple stories going on at the same time, both player and developer driven. Putting aside players’ narratives though, there’s still quite a bit going on, with certain characters or moments being expanded into short stories posted on the Lodestone. While they
Another expansion, another art book! If you’ve read my previous FFXIV art book reviews, then you know exactly what’s in store for this one. Square has settled on a template for these, and while I don’t entirely agree with all of their choices it’s hard to
With the release of patch 6.2, Buried Memory, Final Fantasy XIV is diving headfirst into its next story arc. In the previous update, the former scions discovered a stable portal into the thirteenth reflection, also known as the void. Vritra’s sister has been stuck there for untold eons,
If you’re a parent trying to balance things like gaming and taking care of a child, my heart goes out to you. It’s hard enough to find time for yourself as a working adult, let alone raising another life; especially if they’re not old enough to entertain
What if the worlds we play in online games were actually real? In the distant future, a corporation has created Soul Dive Technology, which allows players to fully immerse themselves in a virtual world. Something seems off, however, as NPCs don’t quite act like mindless automatons – they appear to
This article will contain spoilers for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker.
After Endwalker’s conclusion, Final Fantasy XIV is starting a brand new story arc. The scions of the seventh dawn have officially disbanded, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still go on adventures with your friends. With rumors
Today, SquareEnix released patch 6.1 for Final Fantasy XIV which adds new quests, a new dungeon, hairstyles for Viera and Hrothgar, and more.
A new chapter in the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online story begins today with the first major content update following the launch of Endwalker™ with