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Card Game

Card Game

Reviews   -   Oct 13, 2021 Wild Space review⏤A tableau builder that is anything but wild
Wild Space review⏤A tableau builder that is anything but wild

Wild Space is a short 30-minute game with players laying cards down in a tableau very reminiscent of ‘Race for the Galaxy’. From the company Pandasaurus, Wild Space sees players taking the role of colonization and exploration efforts as they control ships that land on planets, all while expanding their

Interviews   -   Sep 09, 2021 Crazy Eights — Justin Gary on Solforge Fusion
Crazy Eights — Justin Gary on Solforge Fusion

Several years ago I was introduced to Stone Blade Entertainment’s first foray into online gaming, Solforge.  It was a digital collectible card game where players could play up to two cards during their turn, with most of the cards being placed in lanes.  While there wasn’t any cost

Transformers Deck Building Game ⏤ Less than meets the eye
Reviews   -   Nov 16, 2021 Transformers Deck Building Game ⏤ Less than meets the eye

With the Transformers Deck Building Game, the folks over at Renegade set out to bring something fresh to the oversaturated deck building genre. However, while offering some interesting mechanics, the game ultimately falls short of greatness, and not even the Transformers themselves can save it. The Transformers Deck Building Game

by Mark Julian
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Reviews   -   Nov 16, 2021 Transformers Deck Building Game ⏤ Less than meets the eye
Transformers Deck Building Game ⏤ Less than meets the eye

With the Transformers Deck Building Game, the folks over at Renegade set out to bring something fresh to the oversaturated deck building genre. However, while offering some interesting mechanics, the game ultimately falls short of greatness, and not even the Transformers themselves can save it. The Transformers Deck Building Game

by Mark Julian
Reviews   -   Oct 13, 2021 Wild Space review⏤A tableau builder that is anything but wild
Wild Space review⏤A tableau builder that is anything but wild

Wild Space is a short 30-minute game with players laying cards down in a tableau very reminiscent of ‘Race for the Galaxy’. From the company Pandasaurus, Wild Space sees players taking the role of colonization and exploration efforts as they control ships that land on planets, all while expanding their

by Eric Ace
Interviews   -   Sep 09, 2021 Crazy Eights — Justin Gary on Solforge Fusion
Crazy Eights — Justin Gary on Solforge Fusion

Several years ago I was introduced to Stone Blade Entertainment’s first foray into online gaming, Solforge.  It was a digital collectible card game where players could play up to two cards during their turn, with most of the cards being placed in lanes.  While there wasn’t any cost

by Keith Schleicher
News   -   Sep 07, 2021 The next great game hot from the forge – SolForge Fusion: Hybrid Deck Game
The next great game hot from the forge – SolForge Fusion: Hybrid Deck Game

From the creator of Magic: The Gathering and KeyForge, SolForge takes a bold new step in their hybrid deck building game by bring it to physical tabletops with their new Kickstarter! This new game is a successor of the original digital card game SolForge that launched in 2016 on PC

by Kenny Tripoli
News   -   Aug 04, 2021 Villains, Villains Everywhere – Gathering of the Wicked announced
Villains, Villains Everywhere – Gathering of the Wicked announced

In a realm where all the ultimate baddies gather, what Disney villain would reign supreme and what villain threatens to be the traitor among you? Well, today Asmodee Group has announced that they may finally be ready to answer that question with their new party game Gathering of the Wicked.

by Kenny Tripoli
Previews   -   Aug 02, 2021 “Hey, I’m gonna get you too!”⏤Dustbiters preview
“Hey, I’m gonna get you too!”⏤Dustbiters preview

With the rise of smartphones and mobile devices, we’ve seen gaming become more of an everyday activity for folks of all ages, and bite-sized playing experiences have become more commonplace to help fill the time while we’re on the go. While there have always been shorter, more tightly

by Mike Dunn
News   -   Jul 22, 2021 Grab the eggnog and play some cards, Gudetama: The Tricky Egg Card Game Holiday Edition available for pre-order now
Grab the eggnog and play some cards, Gudetama: The Tricky Egg Card Game Holiday Edition available for pre-order now

Today, Renegade Game Studios announced that it will release a holiday edition of Gudetame: The Tricky Egg Card Game just in time for Christmas! This new version of the game will feature holiday-themed card art where up to seven players can play against each other, with a retail price of

by Elisha Deogracias
Reviews   -   Jun 13, 2021 I Love You Sexy VR Unicorn! — Aggrestuko Work/Rage Balance card game review
I Love You Sexy VR Unicorn! — Aggrestuko Work/Rage Balance card game review

Season 4 of Aggretsuko is on the way, and I’m excited for it. Before we get to all that, though, let’s check out the Aggretsuko Work/Rage Balance card game. If you don’t know what Aggretsuko is, in 2016 Tokyo Broadcasting System Television aired 100 episodes of

by Ron Burke
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