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Arcadia Quest

Arcadia Quest

Interviews   -   Mar 14, 2015 Everything is moving forward! – Cool Mini or Not at Pax East 2015

While soaking in all of the awesome stuff at PAX East, we got a chance to talk with Spencer Reeve of Cool Mini or Not about upcoming projects and games. If you are a fan of tabletop miniature based games, there is a bunch of news for you coming from

by Scott Griffith
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Interviews   -   Mar 14, 2015 Everything is moving forward! – Cool Mini or Not at Pax East 2015

While soaking in all of the awesome stuff at PAX East, we got a chance to talk with Spencer Reeve of Cool Mini or Not about upcoming projects and games. If you are a fan of tabletop miniature based games, there is a bunch of news for you coming from

by Scott Griffith
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