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Let’s get direct and to the point, Ratalaika Games announces console visual novel releases this year
News   -   Mar 04, 2020 Let’s get direct and to the point, Ratalaika Games announces console visual novel releases this year

It seems everyone wants a piece of the Nintendo Direct pie, as independent publisher Ratalaika Games has announced its slate of console releases for visual novels this year via a familiar video formar. From established classics like Long Live the Queen to recent releases like Summer with the Shiba Inu,

by Elisha Deogracias
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News   -   Mar 04, 2020 Let’s get direct and to the point, Ratalaika Games announces console visual novel releases this year
Let’s get direct and to the point, Ratalaika Games announces console visual novel releases this year

It seems everyone wants a piece of the Nintendo Direct pie, as independent publisher Ratalaika Games has announced its slate of console releases for visual novels this year via a familiar video formar. From established classics like Long Live the Queen to recent releases like Summer with the Shiba Inu,

by Elisha Deogracias
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