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2 Articles
Tetris, Pac-Man, Space Invaders. These franchises have been in the gaming market for decades, and even though the industry changed, a lot of the arcade classics have stood the test of time. It seems the best remakes of these games are ones that add fresh gameplay while staying true to
We’ve all been there before; whether it was saving up for a new title or just trying to go on a budget, there are times when we just want games to be cheaper. While the notion of a budget title may turn off some gamers, there are some great
by Elisha DeograciasWe’ve all been there before; whether it was saving up for a new title or just trying to go on a budget, there are times when we just want games to be cheaper. While the notion of a budget title may turn off some gamers, there are some great
by Elisha DeograciasTetris, Pac-Man, Space Invaders. These franchises have been in the gaming market for decades, and even though the industry changed, a lot of the arcade classics have stood the test of time. It seems the best remakes of these games are ones that add fresh gameplay while staying true to
by Elisha Deogracias