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Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps

Aliens: Another Glorious Day in the Corps

New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con
News   -   Aug 01, 2019 New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con

It’s just about August of 2019 and that means one thing, Gen con is about to be in full swing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ahead of the convention Gale Force Nine published a forecast as to what attendees can look forward to either purchasing, or playing, on the show floor.

by George Kruger
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News   -   Aug 01, 2019 New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con
New games, expansions, and more — Gale Force Nine at Gen Con

It’s just about August of 2019 and that means one thing, Gen con is about to be in full swing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Ahead of the convention Gale Force Nine published a forecast as to what attendees can look forward to either purchasing, or playing, on the show floor.

by George Kruger
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