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Ever wanted to jump directly into your monitor screen and not have it shatter? Now you can!
by Nicholas AguileraRise of the Ronin’s premise absolutely hooked me from its announcement. The game puts you in the shoes of a samurai for hire, or a Ronin, during Bakumatsu, the Edo period’s final years. It was a tumultuous time for Japan, and one of my favorites to learn about.
by David FlynnA sword doesn’t need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp
by Ron BurkeRazer's latest controller is a competitive advantage on the battlefield
by David BurdetteIf you hit the Steam hardware survey and look at where the vast majority of PC gamers live in terms of GPU, it’s where we are for this review today – the midtier, in both price and performance. As you’ll see The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 is slotting right
by Ron BurkeThe soul of 90s B movies but the production quality of modern cinema
by John Farrell