If you’re a parent trying to balance things like gaming and taking care of a child, my heart goes out to you. It’s hard enough to find time for yourself as a working adult, let alone raising another life; especially if they’re not old enough to entertain themselves. While this book, The Namazu and the Greatest Gift, won’t fix that problem, it will let you share your love of Final Fantasy XIV with the most important people in your life.
This picture book tells a fable of three Namazu, basically tiny fish people, trying to get a mountain sage otter to fill their river with a rainstorm. The sage agrees on one condition: the Namazu give him something no one has ever seen before. The story is accompanied by some soft, watercolor illustrations that would be very appealing to kids.
The short story is a neat novelty, but I wouldn’t really recommend it to those not planning on adding it to their bedtime story rotation. Sure the pictures are nice to look at, but you know exactly how the story is going to go and there are sadly no backgrounds, just a white void. It’s not a bad book by any means, adults just aren’t the target demographic.
If you’re a parent looking to share your love of gaming with young children, Final Fantasy XIV -Picture Book- The Namazu and the Greatest Gift is a good choice. It’s a simple, uncomplicated tale with cute characters and a sweet moral.
- Great artwork
- Good lesson
- No backgrounds