Rune Factory 4 has always had a special place in my heart, and while I made a frankly embarrassing sound of joy at the announcement that it would be remastered and re-released for the Switch, I also approached it with a small bit of caution. Rune Factory 4 is decently old, given that it first released in North America in 2013, and the farming game landscape has been inexorably altered in the wake of Stardew Valley. I had to hold my breath and hope that Lady Ventuswill and her story were able to stand the test of time.
Before I could even dive back into the story itself, I found myself impressed to the point of distraction by just how good Rune Factory 4 Special looks on the Switch. The HD remaster, combined with the Switch’s crisp screen, has both the character portraits and the 3D models looking worlds better than they ever could on the 3DS. Once I settled into the routine of things, I realized how good it was to see old friends and familiar faces. Rune Factory 4 is certainly filled with a host of uniquely odd characters, and recalling their quirks, fears, and favorite foods really was a pleasure.
I was able to spend many hours playing Rune Factory 4 Special, and captured gameplay along the way. Those who just can’t wait to get back to the town of Selphia can check out the videos in the header and below and join me as I begin my journey, explore Yokmir Forest, the Water Ruins, and the Obsidian Mansion, expand the town’s population, set up my little farm, issue orders, and take part in town festivals. Please check back on February 25th, when Rune Factory 4 Special releases for more gameplay and a full review of the game.