We’ll be getting some more info on the next installment of the Kingdom Hearts franchise in June, straight from LA. In a...
The Disney Infinity series, a toys-to-life creation spawned to compete with Skylanders, will be ending in 2016. Jimmy Pitaro, Disney’s chairman of consumer products, released...
The second expansion to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, due out May 31, will be the last bit of new content for...
The next game in the Battlefield series has been announced, and it will take place during World War I. Titled Battlefield 1,...
Bethesda’s Doom reboot is coming out next week, and the company has released the launch trailer in celebration of the imminent launch....
Dishonored 2 will come to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on November 11th, Bethesda has confirmed. A post on the company’s...
After several delays, Mighty No. 9 has finally gone gold and will launch on June 21st. This date only applies to the...
After a few leaks, Activision and Infinity Ward have revealed the next Call of Duty game: Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Infinite...
At PAX East last weekend, Harmonix revealed upcoming updates coming to Rock Band 4, including a Rock Band first: synchronous online multiplayer. In...
In its first episode, Hitman shot itself in the foot. In its second, it’s learning to walk again. With its second entry,...
Microsoft and The Coalition have announced the contents that will be in Gears of War 4’s special edition, as well as its...
With violence being prevalent throughout so many art forms today, developer Garage227 wants to do its best to counteract that with their...
Microsoft and The Coalition have released a new multiplayer video for Gears of War 4 that walks fans through what’s new and...
If Action RPGs are your thing, then I might have a little something for you. Coming courtesy of developer Thing Trunk is...
The Technomancer, an upcoming sci-fi RPG from Focus Home and Bound by Flame developer Spiders, finally gets a bit more clarity on...
Hitman’s second episode is launching next week, and IO Interactive has released a new trailer giving fans a glimpse as to what...
Telltale has released a final trailer for The Walking Dead: Michonne ahead of the concluding episode’s launch next week. The minute-long clip...
Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst has suffered another delay, and will now becoming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on June 7th in...
The final episode of The Walking Dead: Michonne has been dated for April 26th. Episode three, “What We Deserve,” will act as...
ROBLOX has announced an April 15th launch of virtual reality on Oculus Rift with cross-platform capability, furthering its vision of Powering Imagination™....
Frogwares has released a new trailer for the upcoming Sherlock Holmes game, The Devil’s Daughter, and it sets a fairly dark tone...
DICE has announced that Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst’s closed beta will begin on April 22nd and last until April 26th. According to a...
Weappy Studio has released a new trailer for This is the Police, and it paints a cynical picture of the upcoming adventure...
A teaser for Titanfall 2 has surfaced, confirming the game will be coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. According to...
The Coalition has released a cinematic trailer for Gears of War 4 showing a brief look at the origin story of new...
Death wants Pizza. For some reason, the denizens of the local cemetery, castles, and forests want to stop him from enjoying his...
Telltale has announced plans to publish 7 Days to Die for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in June both digitally and at...
It appears that Fable Legends may be getting a second chance at life, according to a report from MCV. Several sources within...
Bethesda has announced the date of the Doom reboot’s open beta, which will run from April 15th to 17th. The open beta...
Microsoft and The Coalition have announced that Gears of War 4 will come to Xbox One on October 11th. This news comes...
Fallout 4’s Automatron DLC does one thing extremely well: it embraces the childhood fantasy of building your own super-powered robot and unleashing...