In a rather unique PR move, developer DONTNOD and publisher Capcom have announced a remix competition for their recently released third-person, memory-puzzling...
Amidst the hustle and bustle of E3, the lasers and explosions, the never-ceasing dubstep wobble bass, was a singular booth that seemed...
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon was a game I wanted to see succeed. It’s a sort of experiment in teaching publishers that...
One thing can be said for E3 this year- it was about the games more than anything else. With the next generation...
Eurogamer is reporting that Microsoft has recently eliminated charges for patching both full Xbox 360 games and XBLA titles. This is a...
Yikes. You’re all familiar with Disney, right? You know, the company that has made family movies for the last ninety years? They...
After the Third Street Saints drove off STAG and the intensely successful film Gangstas in Space, the leader of the gang has...
I never played the original Castle of Illusion , but I figured that wouldn’t keep me from enjoying this re-imagined version as...
We are pretty excited about Disney Infinity – so much so that it won our Best Party Game of E3 2013. Today...
Summer is upon us, and with that we can look forward to the turtles making their way into our gaming rotation on...
When Magic Online started, it put players on the PC up against each other. Since then, Duels of the Planeswalkers introduced Magic...
Today the Australian government announced that the upcoming mayhem simulator Saint’s Row IV has been “Refused Classification” by the Australian Classification Board....
Deadpool has not gotten a fair shake. Wolverine gets game after game while Deadpool continues to get bit parts and cameos. Audiences...
One thing can be said for E3 this year- it was about the games more than anything else; With the next generation...
Coming out of absolutely nowhere, EA and PopCap have announced a new addition to the Plants Vs. Zombies franchise in the class-based...
One of the big crowd-pleasers at Sony’s E3 media brief was the multiplayer demo for Bungie’s new operatic sci-fi shooter Destiny; We...
One of the big surprises out of E3 this year that few few people seem to be talking about is’s console...
South Park: The Stick of Truth is shaping up to be one hell of a great game. By working closely with Matt...
2K Games continues to provide news in a rather slow news week, this time announcing pre-order and post-game DLC for The Bureau:...
In the almost two years since its release, Dark Souls can be held accountable for the untimely deaths of many player characters...
Since it’s announcement around a year ago, Activision and developer High Moon Studios’ upcoming Deadpool game has been doing its best to...
Suda 51 is a man known for a particular style — namely a combination of punk rock design philosophy with a nice...
Bethesda has an incredible lineup set for this year, and we start off our coverage with The Evil Within; Shinji Mikami from...
In case you’re like me and had forgotten, Dead Space 3 released earlier this year. Upon its release, it was easily the...
Word came down that 3D Reams, the folks who created venerable shooter franchises Wolfentein and Duke Nukem, has filed a suit against...
As you may or may not know, the upcoming Batman: Arkham Origins is not being developed by the same team that made...
If you’ve been holding off on buying Battlefield 3 for PC because of the price or because, let’s face it, Origin isn’t...
Racing is all about power, speed, control, and spicy locales in which to show off those attributes in front of thousands of...
It’s time to bust out the action figures with a new Skylanders Swap Force trailer and screenshots. Activision shows off the ability...
Pac-Man will never stop coming to our consoles. I can confirm this. No matter how technically proficient, no matter how “futuristic” our...
Rockstar’s continued absence at E3 has been felt these past few years, there’s no arguing that. There are multiple times during press...