Spider-Man: Edge of Time is the upcoming action-adventure title from the developers who brought us Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. The game’s story is...
Nintendo is releasing their upcoming The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword in style, as announced this morning they will be releasing a...
If you haven’t heard of Hard Reset yet, it’s a first-person shooter which takes place in a cyberpunk universe and is set...
Metro 2033 was a polarizing game. While some gamers felt that it was a good game with some rough edges, others felt...
Deus Ex has been hailed as a great game, but it also brings out questions about human augmentation. The developers did their...
As the first “core” Ace Combat game to take place in the real world, Assault Horizon will probably not answer our questions...
Believe it or not, but the characters in Twisted Metal have a background story, and motivation for shooting at everyone on wheels. ...
Warhawk was one of the earliest games to come out for the PS3. The ship-based combat was unique because you could either...
The Northern Realms are a dark place, overrun with evil. If you take on the challenge of Dark Souls, be prepared to...
Truly, these are the best of times. For me, at least. That’s because I have my preorder locked in for the DS...