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The designers over at Wikipad have a passion for giving tablet tappers an alternative way to play their games beyond awkward on-screen controller mapping. Now moving beyond their current Android-centric models, the new Gamevice aims to bridge at least one of mobile gaming’s great divides. We were able to
by Lucious BarnesWinning a fight is 90% preparation. Diet, cardio, weights, grappling, hitting the pads, sparring, cuts, bruises, sprains – and that’s just Monday. You get to do it all again tomorrow. When it comes to the day of the fight, all of your hard work will be on display, and your
by Ron BurkeGuild Wars 2 is one of the few MMOs that handles player content with a great deal of care. They provide an incredible amount of content for the low, low price of absolutely free. We sat down with the ArenaNet team to talk about Season 2 of their Living World
by Ron BurkeThe last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development
by Sean LamaJonathan Blow describes his upcoming game The Witness as “a world of stuff”. The meaning of this becomes clear as soon as you set foot onto the island. Go to one area and you encounter a barren fortress scattered with peculiar symbols. Another leads you into a lush forest filled
by Nick KellerE3 2014: The Sonic Boom Games Don’t Feel Like the Focus of Sega’s New Initiative I got some hands-on time with both the Wii U and 3DS versions of Sonic Boom, the games that will be released as part of Sega’s new Sonic initiative at E3. Sonic
by Kenneth ShepardE3 2014: The Battle Between Hope and Despair Continues in Danganronpa 2 As I reflect on the first half of 2014, I can’t name a game that has grabbed me in the same way that Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc for the Vita did when I finally got around to
by Kenneth ShepardWith Crytek purchasing the Homefront IP from THQ, it was only a matter of time before we got a glimpse of the future of the series. In our interview with Crytek at E3, we get a primer on the game’s sequel, Homefront: The Revolution.
by Sean LamaThe designers over at Wikipad have a passion for giving tablet tappers an alternative way to play their games beyond awkward on-screen controller mapping. Now moving beyond their current Android-centric models, the new Gamevice aims to bridge at least one of mobile gaming’s great divides. We were able to
by Lucious BarnesA sword doesn’t need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp
Hazelight Studios' latest buddy co-op demands the spotlight.
These comics are from another world!
If you hit the Steam hardware survey and look at where the vast majority of PC gamers live in terms of GPU, it’s where we are for this review today – the midtier, in both price and performance. As you’ll see The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 is slotting right
Sandfall Interactive looks to have a winner in hand with this new turn-based RPG
Tabletop team ASSEMBLE!
Shifting racing games into high gear
The designers over at Wikipad have a passion for giving tablet tappers an alternative way to play their games beyond awkward on-screen controller mapping. Now moving beyond their current Android-centric models, the new Gamevice aims to bridge at least one of mobile gaming’s great divides. We were able to
by Lucious BarnesWinning a fight is 90% preparation. Diet, cardio, weights, grappling, hitting the pads, sparring, cuts, bruises, sprains – and that’s just Monday. You get to do it all again tomorrow. When it comes to the day of the fight, all of your hard work will be on display, and your
by Ron BurkeGuild Wars 2 is one of the few MMOs that handles player content with a great deal of care. They provide an incredible amount of content for the low, low price of absolutely free. We sat down with the ArenaNet team to talk about Season 2 of their Living World
by Ron BurkeThe last time I spoke to Josh, lead designer and composer on Oscar, the Kickstarter for the game was still 25 days away from completion and the future of Oscar yet to be decided. As fortune would have it, the game met its humble $40,000 pledge goal and development
by Sean LamaJonathan Blow describes his upcoming game The Witness as “a world of stuff”. The meaning of this becomes clear as soon as you set foot onto the island. Go to one area and you encounter a barren fortress scattered with peculiar symbols. Another leads you into a lush forest filled
by Nick KellerE3 2014: The Sonic Boom Games Don’t Feel Like the Focus of Sega’s New Initiative I got some hands-on time with both the Wii U and 3DS versions of Sonic Boom, the games that will be released as part of Sega’s new Sonic initiative at E3. Sonic
by Kenneth ShepardE3 2014: The Battle Between Hope and Despair Continues in Danganronpa 2 As I reflect on the first half of 2014, I can’t name a game that has grabbed me in the same way that Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc for the Vita did when I finally got around to
by Kenneth ShepardWith Crytek purchasing the Homefront IP from THQ, it was only a matter of time before we got a glimpse of the future of the series. In our interview with Crytek at E3, we get a primer on the game’s sequel, Homefront: The Revolution.
by Sean Lama