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Board gaming has seen an explosion in dice-based games in the last few years, reflecting the popularity of King of Tokyo, Quarriors, Zombie Dice, Alien Frontiers, Castles of Burgundy, the new and smokin’-hot Marvel Dice Masters, and many others. Desperados of Dice Town, from Matagot and distributed by Asmodee,
by Dan EdelenThere aren’t a ton of new releases out this week for gamers to get their hands on, but the GT staffers still have plenty of satisfying game experiences to sink their teeth into. This weekend, PlayStation owners will don Guardian suits and go zipping around on their Sparrows, blast
by Josh DevlinDeep Silver today released a brand new trailer (above) for their upcoming hack-n-slash adventure, Sacred 3. The new trailer shows off a bit of humor alongside the all-important cooperative gameplay. A strong team is necessary to defeat the countless enemies of the evil empire. You’ll need to equip combat
by Jay MaloneWhen I originally reviewed Resogun, I deemed it a premier launch title for the PS4. It’s a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter with beautiful visuals and an electrifying soundtrack. It also makes for a fantastic co-op (local co-op, in particular) experience, which gives it major brownie points in my book. With
by Sean LamaI’ve been a fan of deck-building games since Dominion served as a gateway into the world of board gaming a couple of years ago. Since then, I’ve cooled a bit on my love of Dominion (long story), but I still love the idea of a deck-building engine. I
by Joseph PinchbackI can’t honestly tell you why I’ve never played a Sniper Elite game. The first title was released on the original Xbox, with a follow-up hitting two years ago telling an alternate version of the storyline presented in the original game. Fast forward to today and we have
by Ron BurkeKoei’s Warriors franchise is a lot like the Hostess Cakes of videogames. Sure they aren’t particularly good and just different versions of the same thing, but when you have a taste for one just nothing else will do. Whether or not you’re a fan or a critic
by Lucious BarnesBefore E3, I hadn’t been following Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale’s (of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us fame) entry in the Borderlands series very closely. I wasn’t expecting much when I went to Telltale’s small booth off of the main showroom floor this
by Spencer CampbellBoard gaming has seen an explosion in dice-based games in the last few years, reflecting the popularity of King of Tokyo, Quarriors, Zombie Dice, Alien Frontiers, Castles of Burgundy, the new and smokin’-hot Marvel Dice Masters, and many others. Desperados of Dice Town, from Matagot and distributed by Asmodee,
by Dan EdelenA sword doesn’t need a fine lineage, it just needs to be sharp
Hazelight Studios' latest buddy co-op demands the spotlight.
These comics are from another world!
If you hit the Steam hardware survey and look at where the vast majority of PC gamers live in terms of GPU, it’s where we are for this review today – the midtier, in both price and performance. As you’ll see The NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 is slotting right
Sandfall Interactive looks to have a winner in hand with this new turn-based RPG
Tabletop team ASSEMBLE!
Shifting racing games into high gear
Board gaming has seen an explosion in dice-based games in the last few years, reflecting the popularity of King of Tokyo, Quarriors, Zombie Dice, Alien Frontiers, Castles of Burgundy, the new and smokin’-hot Marvel Dice Masters, and many others. Desperados of Dice Town, from Matagot and distributed by Asmodee,
by Dan EdelenThere aren’t a ton of new releases out this week for gamers to get their hands on, but the GT staffers still have plenty of satisfying game experiences to sink their teeth into. This weekend, PlayStation owners will don Guardian suits and go zipping around on their Sparrows, blast
by Josh DevlinDeep Silver today released a brand new trailer (above) for their upcoming hack-n-slash adventure, Sacred 3. The new trailer shows off a bit of humor alongside the all-important cooperative gameplay. A strong team is necessary to defeat the countless enemies of the evil empire. You’ll need to equip combat
by Jay MaloneWhen I originally reviewed Resogun, I deemed it a premier launch title for the PS4. It’s a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter with beautiful visuals and an electrifying soundtrack. It also makes for a fantastic co-op (local co-op, in particular) experience, which gives it major brownie points in my book. With
by Sean LamaI’ve been a fan of deck-building games since Dominion served as a gateway into the world of board gaming a couple of years ago. Since then, I’ve cooled a bit on my love of Dominion (long story), but I still love the idea of a deck-building engine. I
by Joseph PinchbackI can’t honestly tell you why I’ve never played a Sniper Elite game. The first title was released on the original Xbox, with a follow-up hitting two years ago telling an alternate version of the storyline presented in the original game. Fast forward to today and we have
by Ron BurkeKoei’s Warriors franchise is a lot like the Hostess Cakes of videogames. Sure they aren’t particularly good and just different versions of the same thing, but when you have a taste for one just nothing else will do. Whether or not you’re a fan or a critic
by Lucious BarnesBefore E3, I hadn’t been following Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale’s (of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us fame) entry in the Borderlands series very closely. I wasn’t expecting much when I went to Telltale’s small booth off of the main showroom floor this
by Spencer Campbell