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Previews   -   Oct 17, 2017 More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles
More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles

Here’s another hour of preview gameplay from Assassin’s Creed Origins. In this venture, Bayek assassinates people on a boat, has a rough encounter with his first world map boss, and experiences the fight of his life against the crocodile of all crocodiles. Ancient Egypt is an unforgiving beast.

by Josh Devlin
Reviews   -   Oct 17, 2017 Destroy them, my robots! – Raw Data Vive and Rift co-op review
Destroy them, my robots! – Raw Data Vive and Rift co-op review

VR wave shooters are a frequent staple of the VR ecospace. With a deviance in quality as deep as it is wide, there are quite a few that hardly qualify as more than glorified technical demos, with few standouts. We got our hands on Raw Data at a few points

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Oct 17, 2017 Switch to party mode: Jackbox Party Pack 4 review
Switch to party mode: Jackbox Party Pack 4 review

Friday party games have become a team-bonding tradition in my office. At the end of the week, we gather to test our wits, teamwork, and/or reflexes with all kinds of games, ranging from Cards Against Humanity to Snipperclips. Jackbox has become a fan favorite, and so we were elated

by A Kay Purcell
Interviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Ross Watson, lead developer on Warhammer 40k: Wrath and Glory, shares insights on the past and future of his career
Ross Watson, lead developer on Warhammer 40k: Wrath and Glory, shares insights on the past and future of his career

Ross Watson, a designer with a storied career in design, shares some hints aobut the future of Warhammer 40k roleplay and touches on what it takes to be a professional RPG designer. His work has touched gaming far and wide, including Shadowrun, Rifts, Star Wars, Marvel Superheros, and his own settin

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Par or a Birdie, it depends on how you swing: Golf Story review
Par or a Birdie, it depends on how you swing: Golf Story review

Golf Story really is a must have for any fan of golf games, but as an RPG fan, this indie title only comes in at par.

by A Kay Purcell
Reviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Blazing buttholes — South Park: The Fractured But Whole review
Blazing buttholes — South Park: The Fractured But Whole review

There’s no sugar-coating it, South Park: The Fractured But Whole is simply brilliant. That Trey Parker and Matt Stone were able to take a group of poorly animated, foul-mouthed fourth graders living in a fictitious small town in Colorado and turn it into a successful TV show and video

by Mike Pearce
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2017 The Makings of a legacy — Starfinder Core Book review
The Makings of a legacy — Starfinder Core Book review

Starfinder brings us a galaxy of magic, mystery, and science fiction action, in what amounts to a fantastic update to the Pathfinder engine more than its own separate game.

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2017 Pixelated Ultra-Violence, Butcher review
Pixelated Ultra-Violence, Butcher review

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Some want to literally watch it burn, and explode, and even see its inhabitants dismembered in a gruesome, pixelated fashion. That’s where Butcher comes in. Butcher, now released on the Nintendo Switch, is a pixelated platform-shooter with the gore and

by Sean Anthony
More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles
Previews   -   Oct 17, 2017 More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles

Here’s another hour of preview gameplay from Assassin’s Creed Origins. In this venture, Bayek assassinates people on a boat, has a rough encounter with his first world map boss, and experiences the fight of his life against the crocodile of all crocodiles. Ancient Egypt is an unforgiving beast.

by Josh Devlin
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Previews   -   Oct 17, 2017 More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles
More Assassin’s Creed Origins gameplay, but with giant crocodiles

Here’s another hour of preview gameplay from Assassin’s Creed Origins. In this venture, Bayek assassinates people on a boat, has a rough encounter with his first world map boss, and experiences the fight of his life against the crocodile of all crocodiles. Ancient Egypt is an unforgiving beast.

by Josh Devlin
Reviews   -   Oct 17, 2017 Destroy them, my robots! – Raw Data Vive and Rift co-op review
Destroy them, my robots! – Raw Data Vive and Rift co-op review

VR wave shooters are a frequent staple of the VR ecospace. With a deviance in quality as deep as it is wide, there are quite a few that hardly qualify as more than glorified technical demos, with few standouts. We got our hands on Raw Data at a few points

by Ron Burke
Reviews   -   Oct 17, 2017 Switch to party mode: Jackbox Party Pack 4 review
Switch to party mode: Jackbox Party Pack 4 review

Friday party games have become a team-bonding tradition in my office. At the end of the week, we gather to test our wits, teamwork, and/or reflexes with all kinds of games, ranging from Cards Against Humanity to Snipperclips. Jackbox has become a fan favorite, and so we were elated

by A Kay Purcell
Interviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Ross Watson, lead developer on Warhammer 40k: Wrath and Glory, shares insights on the past and future of his career
Ross Watson, lead developer on Warhammer 40k: Wrath and Glory, shares insights on the past and future of his career

Ross Watson, a designer with a storied career in design, shares some hints aobut the future of Warhammer 40k roleplay and touches on what it takes to be a professional RPG designer. His work has touched gaming far and wide, including Shadowrun, Rifts, Star Wars, Marvel Superheros, and his own settin

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Par or a Birdie, it depends on how you swing: Golf Story review
Par or a Birdie, it depends on how you swing: Golf Story review

Golf Story really is a must have for any fan of golf games, but as an RPG fan, this indie title only comes in at par.

by A Kay Purcell
Reviews   -   Oct 16, 2017 Blazing buttholes — South Park: The Fractured But Whole review
Blazing buttholes — South Park: The Fractured But Whole review

There’s no sugar-coating it, South Park: The Fractured But Whole is simply brilliant. That Trey Parker and Matt Stone were able to take a group of poorly animated, foul-mouthed fourth graders living in a fictitious small town in Colorado and turn it into a successful TV show and video

by Mike Pearce
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2017 The Makings of a legacy — Starfinder Core Book review
The Makings of a legacy — Starfinder Core Book review

Starfinder brings us a galaxy of magic, mystery, and science fiction action, in what amounts to a fantastic update to the Pathfinder engine more than its own separate game.

by John Farrell
Reviews   -   Oct 15, 2017 Pixelated Ultra-Violence, Butcher review
Pixelated Ultra-Violence, Butcher review

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Some want to literally watch it burn, and explode, and even see its inhabitants dismembered in a gruesome, pixelated fashion. That’s where Butcher comes in. Butcher, now released on the Nintendo Switch, is a pixelated platform-shooter with the gore and

by Sean Anthony
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