Earlier this week, indie publisher tinyBuild released its first ever E3 press conference, which simultaneously acted as a delightful musical tribute and a reveal for its newest multiplayer game, Secret Neighbor.

Secret Neighbor is a Multiplayer Social Horror Game set in the Hello Neighbor Universe. Events take place during a “blackout” spot of the main Hello Neighbor game – between Act 1 & Act 2. A group of friends set out to break into their creepy Neighbor’s basement to rescue their friend.

Only problem is one of the players is a traitor – a Neighbor in disguise. This player neeeds to sabotage everyone else. It’s a social engineering game about trust and deception.

  • Up to 8 players break into a procedurally generated house searching for keys to the basement door
  • One (or maybe 2?) of the players are traitors in disguise (Secret Neighbors)
  • Using proximity voice-chat players need to figure out who’s the traitor and work together to get into the basement

With some pretty cheeky references abound, tinyBuild is trying to become the next Devolver Digital, and who can blame the company? Both conferences were pretty hilarious! Check out the full press conference above, and stay tuned for more E3 news here on Gaming Trend.

See also: E3 | Indies | PC
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