Elizabeth Hargrave and Stonemaier Games’ Wingspan is this year’s winner of the Kennerspiel des Jahres:

(Translated from German) “Board games and ornithology – so doubly unsexy and dusty? Not at all! Flapping wings is not presented with ruffled plumage, but is fresh and en vogue. Carefully themed lovingly and editorially: Here, author Elizabeth Hargrave has created a virtually flawless work of art. Catchy game mechanisms, a straightforward process and a high pacing of important decisions make Flügelshlag (Wingspan) a true high-flyer.”

Roughly translated as “Enthusiast Game of the Year” the Kennerspiel des Jahres is one of three awards that the German boardgame press hands out every year (the other two categories being children’s -Kinderspiel des Jahres- and family -Spiel des Jahres- games). Check out Steven’s review of Wingspan, as well as our interview with Elizabeth Hargrave.

See also: Board Game | Tabletop
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