
UFC 13 teaser is ready to rumble at E3

brocklesnar-getty-88985695_620x350Being from a rural Michigan town, UFC was always something that I was aware of, but if you’re a fan of no-holds barred cage matches, E3 is going to be a special treat for you.  Be ready to get into the octagon on June 10, when EA plans to announce their latest entry in the UFC franchise.  To build up hype, they’ve put out a neat–if short–teaser trailer.

There isn’t much by way of detail, but the flashes of gameplay look damn good.  If you need something to get you pumped, check it the video out below.

EA SPORTS UFC E3 2013 Teaser Trailer

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Addie grew up near Detroit. After studying Cell Biology at the University of Michigan and spending a year looking into microscopes, Addie decided to volunteer--playing video games. hobbies run from gaming to music (voice, bass, guitar) to rugby. Addie is a strong supporter of indie and low-cost gaming, an area she thinks is underserved by the media.

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