Free League Publishing has announced that the Kickstarter for the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game is now live. While the game has already reached its initial funding goal, there is a wide range of stretch goals and bonus items to unlock. You can learn more below:
New York, NY (March 14, 2023) – Free League Publishing today announced that the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game is live on Kickstarter. The game invites you to explore the unforgiving, post-apocalyptic world of the dead, where you must learn to survive. Together.
The crowdfunding campaign for the highly anticipated tabletop roleplaying game has already reached its initial funding goal. It is now running through a long list of stretch goals, such as Atlanta area map, Bonus Archetype: The Criminal, custom dice, a threat meter, adventure maps, pre-generated characters based on the TV series, and a solo mode, with more on the way.
We have seen many stories take place in The Walking Dead Universe; now, the time has come to see yours. No matter what impossible choices and daunting challenges you may encounter, the hardest choice will always be the same: Who are you going to be?
All backers that make a pledge within 24 hours of the campaign launch will receive a bonus art print of the cover art by artist Martin Grip. This only applies to pledge levels including physical rewards.
All backers will get early access to PDF versions of the complete Core Rulebook soon after the Kickstarter ends, months ahead of the official release.
The Walking Dead Universe RPG Kickstarter Chat
Wednesday, March 15 at 12 PM ET / 9 AM PT / 5 PM CET.
Enter the post-apocalyptic sandbox, join us for a Q&A session with Free League game director Mattias Johnsson Haake and producer and Genuine Entertainment brand manager Joe LeFavi as they chat about The Walking Dead Universe RPG and answer questions from the community.In The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game, you will play as people struggling to survive in a hostile world. Exceptional challenges can appear from anywhere – from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven, or from approaching walkers hungering for your flesh. Pushing the boundaries of the survival genre, every group can tailor the gaming experience to suit their own interests and play style.
In the game, the player characters must not only hone their physical skills, but deeply explore who they truly are – what drives them to go on, what they consider worth fighting for, and what they’re capable of doing, in the best and worst of times.
There are two ways to play the game – Campaign Mode and Survival Mode:
In Campaign Mode, it is your goals and choices, and the result of your group efforts, that create the storyline.
In Survival Mode, you are faced with a dangerous situation that needs to be handled immediately. Survival Mode scenarios often feature locations and characters from the TV series.
Expect the stress and stakes to be high. The rules of The Walking Dead Universe RPG are based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine, used in Free League´s award-winning games such as the ALIEN RPG, Blade Runner RPG, Tales From the Loop, Mutant: Year Zero and Forbidden Lands, but uniquely tailored for The Walking Dead Universe.
The rules are designed to blend seamlessly with the story and allows you focus on character drama while pushing the themes of the game to the forefront.
The Walking Dead Universe RPG is a co-production between AMC Networks and the award-winning tabletop publisher, who are working closely with key forces behind the franchise, including Chief Content Officer of The Walking Dead Universe, Scott M. Gimple and Head of AMC Networks Publishing Mike Zagari. The RPG series will introduce new story elements while drawing inspiration from the current series and upcoming spin-offs.
The game is directed by Free League co-founders Tomas Härenstam (ALIEN RPG, Blade Runner RPG) and Mattias Johnsson Haake (Symbaroum), with Nils Hintze (Tales from the Loop RPG, Vaesen – Nordic Horror Roleplaying) as lead writer, Gustaf Ekelund (Twilight: 2000) and Martin Grip (ALIEN RPG, Blade Runner RPG) as lead artists, and Genuine Entertainment’s Joe LeFavi (ALIEN RPG, Blade Runner RPG, Dune, The Dragon Prince) as producer and brand manager on the game series.
For more news and previews, visit thewalkingdead-rpg.com. Follow Free League Publishing on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and visit their official website, where fans can discover art and gameplay development ahead of the game’s release.
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