You’ll soon be able to explore the world of Umbra on the go when Earthlock: Festival of Magic arrives on the Nintendo Switch this Thursday. The Switch version will be released as the Should Have Been Edition, and has been reworked to address some of the weaknesses and player frustrations with the game’s 2016 release. SnowCastle Games announced the SHB Edition in their December update, stating:
After we completed the PS4 version in January 2017 we began pre-production of Earthlock 2. However, after a few weeks of getting super excited about our next game, we realised that we were not comfortable leaving Earthlock: Festival of Magic behind as it was. A lot of the criticism we had gotten on the game by then were things we agreed with. For the initial launch we had to make quite a few cuts during the development and some of those cuts really hurt the story.
Long story short; We decided to make what we ended up internally calling the Shouldhavebeenedition. That way we could leave Earthlock 1 behind us with pride and begin work on Earthlock 2.
While the WiiU will not receive an update, those who already own a copy of Earthlock: Festival of Magic on Steam, GOG, PS4, or XboxOne will receive the SHB Edition as a free update. The SHB Edition features:
- Story: A massively changed story from almost the start of the game, adding more depth, humor, and character
- Crafting: All buildings on Plumpet Island now have some kind of functionality
- Side Quests: Side quests have been added to the game – as initially intended
- Mini Games: Including treasure hunting
- New scenes and characters
- New and better animation
- Improved cut scenes
- Highly performance optimized
- And much, much more