The Tales of series has been incredibly popular over the years, and fans will be happy to know that the newest addition will be releasing next year. Tales of Arise places players in the shoes of new protagonists and gives them another grand adventure to embark on.
Tales of Arise takes place in a solar system containing the two neighboring planets of Dahna and Rena. The inhabitants of Dahna have always paid reverence to their planetary neighbors on Rena – a planet they can clearly see in their sky – as a land of the righteous and divine. For the people of Dahna, legends and lore about Rena and its inhabitants have been handed down for countless generations, and through time, have become facts in their minds that have actually masked a cruel reality for the people of Dahna. For 300 years, the people of Rena have ruled over Dahna, pillaging the planet of its resources and stripping its people of their dignity and freedom. Tales of Arise begins with two people, born on different worlds, each longing to change their fate and create a new future for themselves and perhaps their people. Featuring an original cast of characters, a dramatic storyline, dynamic combat, breath-taking environments, with some classic Tales Of elements included; Tales of Arise marks a new beginning for the famed JRPG franchise.
Tales of Arise is slated to release sometime next year on Xbox One, PS4, and PC. If you’re excited for another fantastical adventure in the Tales of franchise, then be sure to take a look at the trailer above. Once you’re done, be sure to stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more E3 news and updates.