
Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada resigns


Yoichi Wada, CEO of Square Enix since 2000, is resigning from the company and will be replaced by Yousuke Matsuda. Wada’s resignation follows the announcement that the company will lose 10 billion yen (roughly 105 million dollars) during this financial year. The loss will mainly be due to a reconstruction of the company. Square Enix has had slow sales with their recent titles, as of late.

During the reconstruction of the company, Square Enix will continue to produce their new Final Fantasy games: HD versions of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, and Final Fantasy XIII, as well as another Final Fantasy title which will be revealed at E3 2013. The company’s reconstruction will be further discussed during Square Enix’s 33rd annual general meeting of share holders, which will take place in June of this year.

Source: GameSpot

I was five years old when I played my very first videogame: 'Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World' (on the Super Nintendo.) Although, that was back in 1996, during the beginning of the Nintendo 64 timeline. Thus began my trend of always being one console behind. I owned a Nintendo 64 during the days of Xbox and PlayStation 2; and I owned a Game Boy Color during the prime of the Game Boy Advance. It was only until recently that I have started keeping up to date with the current console timeline. I bought an Xbox 360 during it's launch, and it is my gaming platform to this very day. Now hoping to someday own a PlayStation Vita, and a non-craptastic PC, I am also hoping to keep up with the gaming industry from this point forward. That is, until I become too old to care to keep up with technology. Or until I'm too old to remember my name, or something like that. You know, looking on the bright side of things.

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