The closed beta for Sprint Vector, the furious, fast-paced multiplayer virtual reality platformer, kicks off this Friday. We were delighted by Sprint Vector when we played it back in June, and named it Best VR Title of E3 2017. Survios, the studio behind Raw Data, is accepting public signups to help test this unique, high-adrenaline racing game. The beta is available through Oculus Home and SteamVR, and features:

  • Three competitive maps
  • A full roster of playable characters
  • All in-game power-ups
  • A new challenge mode with two solo maps and unique challenges
  • Quick play
  • Private lobbies

The closed beta runs from January 19th until January 28th, 2018, with  multiplayer servers open on the weekends from 5:00pm to 8:00pm PT in the US, and from 17:00 to 20:00 GMT in the EU. Don’t walk, sprint to sign up for the beta here, and get ready to challenge your friends as you run, jump, climb, fling, and fly at extreme speeds towards the finish line. You can check out Survios’ website for more videos and information, and add it to your wishlist at their Steam page.

See also: Oculus Rift | Vive | VR
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