
Smite SWC Day 2 wrap-up — Plus exclusive Tartarus Titans interview with ADC Stuart

Day 2 of the Smite SWC saw the Olympus Bolts go up against the Camelot Kings in the first semifinal of the day, resulting in a 3-0 Camelot Kings victory. The Jade Dragons faced off against the Tartarus Titans in a match that went all five games. While they were close games, ultimately the Tartarus Titans were victorious and will be moving on the face the Camelot Kings tomorrow in the S9 World Championship Finals.

The Jade Dragons vs Tartarus Titans on day 2 of Smite SWC

The crowd was absolutely electric, complete with a shirtless group of super-fans who were consistently getting the crowd pumped up. We got to participate in some stadium-wide waves, and for some reason the crowd decided it was going to go wild every time a player dropped a buff or secured the totem. There definitely seemed to be a Jade Dragons bias, but this didn’t stop the Titans fans from giving it their all. The energy was through the roof, and the players all had to readjust after playing the last two SWC remotely.

The crowd was SO pumped up for the Jade Dragons vs Tartarus Titans! What a fun day!

There is no doubt that the star of the show is the Tartarus Titans midlaner, Paul. Time and time again he shows he has what it takes to win, and is seemingly unshakeable. Undoubtedly Paul and jungler Cyno are a force to be reckoned with, and the Titans are going into the finals tomorrow looking unstoppable.

We got to sit down with Titans ADC Stuart fresh off his victory this evening. He’s pumped and ready for the finals tomorrow! Good luck to both the Camelot Kings and the Tartarus Titans.

Smite SWC S9 Day 2 --- Exclusive post-game interview with Tartarus Titans ADC Stuart [Gaming Trend]

Stay tuned for more Gaming Trend exclusive videos and coverage of the Smite SWC S9!

Holly Hudspeth is a best-selling author living in Fort Worth, Texas. She has six published novels to date; The Skyy Huntington Series, which is an epic dark fantasy adventure, and One Small Detail, a stand-alone medieval fantasy. Holly also enjoys writing fan fiction based on her avatars from games such as EverQuest, Elder Scrolls Online, and World of Warcraft. Her first major purchase at the established age of nine was the NES, and she has been gaming ever since. She enjoys fantasy games, city builders, RPGs, MMOs, SMITE, and The Sims franchise. Most nights she is in SMITE with her husband and friends, or playing ESO. When she isn't gaming, she is probably either at Disney or planning her next trip there.

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