Panda Cult Games in cooperation with Yacht Club Games has launched the Kickstarter for their dungeon crawl board game Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels. Players face off against familiar enemies including members of the Order of No Quarter while trying to gain the most treasure.
It is time to sharpen thy shovel once again! Shovel Knight makes his auspicious return to Kickstarter in Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels! Based on the hugely successful crowdfunded video game and made in close cooperation with Yacht Club Games, Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels is a competitive side-scrolling dungeon crawler for 1-4 players. Players compete as different colored Shovel Knights to shovel out justice in spades against the evil Order of No Quarter all while trying to grab the most treasure to prove that they are the one true Shovel Knight!
Anyone that pledges $40 will receive the base game and Kickstarter exclusive Fish Head standee and Shield Knight standee. Shovel Knight: Dungeon Duels is now live on Kickstarter. To pledge to the campaign, visit the Kickstarter page here. At Gen Con, we had a chance to check the game out in action. Check out our preview here.