If you’ve not picked up on it, I’m a big fan of Planet Coaster. It was easily one of my favorite games of last year, and is still my go-to to while away time between titles. Well, coming shortly, we’ll all have a reason to boot it up again, as a new pack is coming shortly. Entitled the “Studios Pack”, this paid DLC give fans even more tools to create awesome effects-driven shows and rides for their visitors, as well as three new rides — “the Big Screen Tour” (a bus tour like you might find in Universal Studios on the west coast), “Re-Motion” (an electrically-powered track ride with adjustable robotic arms holding the seats — my brain is envisioning another iteration of my sea monster creations!), and Horror Heights (a multi-drop tower, not unlike Tower of Terror). Let’s dig into the pack a bit:
Set the stage and thrill your guests with new static and animated building attachments, props, vehicles, character animatronics and placeable special effects. With impressive stuntmen & women, stunt fall boxes, stunt fall dumpsters and even breaking windows, you’ll be able to use to put your guests right in the middle of the action.
And, don’t forget about what goes on behind the stage: new wall set, construction props and metropolis wall tiles together with Planet Coaster’s existing themes will allow you to build those far-from-glamourous… but essential backlots.
In addition to this paid DLC, there will also be a free update to the game that will add a new much-requested feature — hotels. Coupled with a new path tunneling system, a triggerable flexi-color lighting system, and triggerable time of day settings in ride cameras, this newest pack may be one of the best ways to recreat your favorite park yet.
The Planet Coaster Studios Pack is headed to Steam and the Frontier Store on March 27th, 2018, for a price of $10.99 (that’s £7.99 for those of you across the pond). Stay tuned, because you know I’m gonna bring you coverage on it, but in the mean time, the team will be releasing more details next week. Look for their livestream on Twitch on Monday, March 26 @ 7:00pm EST