The heist begins August 2 with the start of a closed beta for Deep Silver and Starbreeze’s upcoming co-op shooter. The beta runs August 2-7, and those interested will need to sign up for a chance to play. Steam and Xbox will be the only available platforms included in the closed beta as well. Full details and links to sign up are down below:

The PAYDAY 3 closed beta will offer:

–The original gang: Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf. The iconic clown-masked characters that made the PAYDAY franchise infamous are all playable, each with their own unique skillset.

–Featured heist: “No Rest for the Wicked” will be the playable heist during the closed beta. Representative of classic PAYDAY heists, “No Rest for the Wicked” tasks the players with liberating a small bank of the cash cluttering up their vault. Heisters can carefully plot out a stealthy approach, leaving guards to wonder where the millions stored inside went, or go loud to get the nail-biting feeling of a big city bank robbery.

–All difficulties will be playable, level cap is Infamy Level 22 and Weapon Level Progression is maxed at eight.

Aspiring heisters can sign up for a chance to join the PAYDAY 3 closed beta at:

–Payday News Update:

–Steam Store page:

–Xbox Insider Hub App

Stay tuned to Gaming Trend for more Payday 3 coverage!

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