Today, Overwatch has received a new Assault map based on the city of elegance and romance, Paris. In addition, several bug fixes and quality of life changes have been made to the game including the ability to appoint lobby ownership in custom games.
Begin your journey at the Cabaret Luna, where the velvety alto voice of preeminent diva Luna charms movie stars, revolutionaries, locals, and tourists alike. After the encore, step outside to see the sights and seize victory. Artisanal shops line the streets as you approach the first point, so duck in to sample a macaron or escape enemy fire. Battle through alleys and corridors before clashing with your foes on the banks of the Seine. Once you establish dominance over your adversaries, make your way to Maison Marat and deliver the coup-de-grâce.
Besides adding a new map, the new patch changes the priority of consumption of health, shields, and items to focus on consuming non-recoverable health types first.
Developer Comments: In Overwatch, a health type order determines the prioritization of subtracting health, shield, or armor types when a hero takes damage. For example, if a hero has recoverable shields and takes damage, the damage taken will diminish the recoverable shield before recoverable health. Previously, it was possible for heroes’ recoverable shields to be prioritized for damage and regenerate, allowing their non-recoverable armor to persist. With the order adjustment, heroes who have been granted non-recoverable armor or shields will now consume those resources before recoverable health, armor, or shields.
Previous priority order: non-recoverable shields, recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, and recoverable health
New priority order: non-recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, recoverable shields, recoverable armor, and recoverable health
The new Assault map, Paris, is available now for all Overwatch players on PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. For more information or to see the full list of changes, visit the official website.